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Headaches? Household products that can cause them

Discover how common products can cause intense headaches, from amino acids to dehydration. Stay informed and relieve your discomfort!...
13-08-2024 19:52

  1. Are migraines and food related? It's more common than you think!
  2. Peanut butter: a friend that can betray you
  3. Alcohol and dehydration: the dynamic duo of migraines
  4. Caffeine: Friend or Foe?
  5. Tyramine and other hidden enemies

Are migraines and food related? It's more common than you think!

Have you ever found yourself thinking that your headache could be caused by the last bite you took?

Migraine can be that shadow lurking after a tiring day, and while the typical culprits like stress and lack of sleep are well-known, there is a less obvious character in this story: food! And I'm not talking about those healthy snacks that make you feel good, but rather those that could be sabotaging your peace of mind and your skull.

The American Migraine Foundation gives us an interesting fact: when we are already dragging stress and not sleeping well, a simple food can be the spark that ignites the fire. So, what foods should you keep a closer eye on? Let's find out!

Peanut butter: a friend that can betray you

Who doesn't love a good peanut butter sandwich? But wait! This delicious treat contains phenylalanine, an amino acid that can alter vascular tone and contribute to those headaches we all hate.

If you suspect that peanut butter is behind your migraines, I challenge you to pay attention to your body after enjoying it. Does your head hurt? You might be facing a traitor disguised as a snack.

Alcohol and dehydration: the dynamic duo of migraines

Are you one of those who enjoy a glass of wine after a long day? Be careful! A 2018 study revealed that more than 35% of people with migraines linked their attacks to alcohol.

Especially red wine, which contains tannins and flavonoids, could be a real headache. And don't forget about dehydration.

A toast may seem harmless, but it could leave you as dry as a desert and your head pounding as if you were at a rock concert.

Do you drink too much alcohol? What science says

Caffeine: Friend or Foe?

Ah, caffeine, that magical substance that helps us open our eyes in the morning. But its relationship with migraines is more complex than a love triangle. For some, it’s relief; for others, it’s a trigger.

The trick is to find a balance, so monitor your consumption. Have you felt lighter or has it hit you like a train?

Limit your intake to 225 grams a day and observe how your body responds.

Tyramine and other hidden enemies

Aged cheeses like gorgonzola or cheddar are exquisite, but they are also rich in tyramine, a compound that could trigger a storm in your head. And it's not just cheeses; processed meats, MSG, and even citrus fruits can also be problematic.

It's like a surprise party of foods that could ruin your day!

Here's a tip: keep a food and headache diary. Sometimes, the real enemy is closer than we think.

You might discover that a simple bite is the culprit of your discomfort. Do you dare to try it? Your head will thank you!

In short, while not all foods are villains in this story, some definitely can play a role in the migraine drama. The next time you have a headache, take a look around: what have you eaten? You might be one step closer to getting rid of those annoying attacks.

Good luck, and may your days be lighter and pain-free!

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