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What is the Aquarius zodiac like in bed and sex?

An Aquarius is willing to try absolutely anything that is proposed to them. Nothing is too out of the ordinary, and they make it known from the start. They want to kee...
25-03-2023 14:49

  1. To know what the Aquarius sign is like in bed, sex and passion
  2. What seduction weapons to use with an Aquarius?
  3. How to win back an Aquarius ex-partner:

An Aquarius is willing to try absolutely anything that is proposed to them. Nothing is too out of the ordinary, and they make it known from the start. They want to keep things interesting, and if you're able to do that, they'll stick around for a while.

Sexual Compatibility Signs: Gemini, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

A great attraction for an Aquarius is good conversation and good sex. If you have both, you're golden. They will keep loving you over and over again. A big turn off for an Aquarius is the idea of losing their freedom. They want to stay in charge of their own lives and keep you on the side when it's convenient. It makes them selfish lovers, in a sense.

I have an article you might be interested in:
Find out how passionate and sexual you are according to your zodiac sign: Aquarius.

To know what the Aquarius sign is like in bed, sex and passion

 * Making love to an Aquarius woman

 * Making love to an Aquarius man

What seduction weapons to use with an Aquarius?

 * How to Conquer an Aquarius Man

I have another article that might also interest you: Aquarius Sexuality: Aquarius essentials in bed.

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Today's horoscope: Aquarius

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