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Virgo soul mate compatibility: Who is your life partner?

The complete guide to Virgo compatibility with every zodiac sign....
Author: Alegsa

  1. Virgo and Aries as soul mates: A hot combination
  2. Virgo and Taurus as soul mates An intimate connection
  3. Virgo and Gemini as soul mates: Learning a lot from each other
  4. Virgo and Cancer as soul mates: made for each other
  5. Virgo and Leo as soul mates: A pragmatic coupling
  6. Virgo and Virgo as soul mates: two peas in a pod
  7. Virgo and Libra as soul mates: It's in the small details
  8. Virgo and Scorpio as soul mates: A watchful combination
  9. Virgo and Sagittarius as soul mates: Predefined Roles
  10. Virgo and Capricorn as soul mates: A harmonious union
  11. Virgo and Aquarius as soul mates: Intuition at its finest
  12. Virgo and Pisces as soul mates: A union written in the stars

A Virgo in love is dedicated to personal development and self-evolution, and you will never see one of them standing on the sidelines, waiting for opportunities to come their way.

No, they take the fight to the enemy, and with the resolve and perseverance of a warrior, nothing can stand against them as they fight their way across the battlefield.

They don't let feelings, hesitations and emotions get in their way. It is not that they are a completely emotionless and robotic individual who shows no affection or love whatsoever, but they run everything through the filter of their mind first, before letting it sink in. In relationships, for example, they can be a fascinating and wonderful partner.

Virgo and Aries as soul mates: A hot combination

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤

If you put a Virgo and an Aries together, you have to be very patient with them, because it's not a great combination.

They have different thoughts about life and social norms, and come to have opposing arguments in the same situation. But, as always, there is still a chance that these two zodiac signs will realise that this lack of compatibility can be learned, and can be used as a weapon to attract extremes.

Although it's hard work, once they figure out how to play, they can win the biggest pot very quickly.

While Aries like to take things as they come and don't hesitate for a second, their Virgo partner is the type who tends to outdo themselves with their curiosity.

They will never commit to something before they know exactly what they are getting into.

This conflict usually leads to a break-up, if there are no more similarities that can save the relationship, of course.

Apparently, these two cannot even form a couple, because they find it difficult to work together. Aries' anger and impulsiveness will attack Virgo's kindness and attention to detail, so this would definitely start a war in the house with many collateral victims.

Virgo and Taurus as soul mates An intimate connection

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Being on the same zodiacal wavelength, Virgo and Taurus will connect on the most intimate levels. And this basically means that their collaboration and bonding will go beyond the mere superficial aspects, reaching deep into their being.

Being fully aware that your partner will always be there for you in case something bad happens that could shake your emotional stability, the relationship goes a step further and becomes more stable, secure and involved than ever.

The Virgo lover will find himself in the most splendid of places when surrounded by the Taurus blanket of love and reassuring affection.

It is like entering the most peaceful place on the planet, somewhere where there are no outside noises, and where everything is melodic, comfortable, and where tranquillity reigns.

Both are loyal and devoted to each other, and given this trust and the deep connection between them, it is obvious what they can achieve together.

Knowing that any relationship must be based on trust and devotion, Virgos and Taurus fully apply these principles and do not hide anything from each other. How else could they develop their bond?

And it works, considering that they are also particularly gifted in the intuition department. This means that, whatever problems they have, working together is the best option they have.

Virgo and Gemini as soul mates: Learning a lot from each other

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

The Virgo-Gemini couple is nothing but perfect. Absolute, total and ultimate compatibility are the key words here.

Mercury hovers above their heads, endowing them with a keen intellect, a sharp mind and an above-average IQ with which to explore the world together.

They are delighted when they join in the fun, combining forces to create a more than adequate result, and turning a dull and tedious situation into an intriguing and complex one, just by the power of their minds.

The natural enthusiasm and carefree manner of a Gemini is very much to their partner's liking, and not only that, but it helps to relieve the pressure of everyday worries and problems.

In turn, the Virgo lover notices the often irresponsible and dreamy approach of the Twin, and makes it more docile, adapting it to the demands of the current situation.

Stronger and more prepared than ever to face life's challenges, these two are unlikely to ever stop on their path to dominance.

There is a lot of potential when Virgo and Gemini meet for the first time, but it all depends on whether they are willing and able to go beyond the surface level and observe each other keenly.

If they can discover exactly what it is they have in common, that special connection that every couple must inevitably share, then there are no obstacles difficult enough to stop these natives from moving forward.

Virgo and Cancer as soul mates: made for each other

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

This combination is headed for perfection, and we all know it. It is what everyone wants from a relationship.

Perfect understanding is practically the main reason why Virgos and Cancers are especially suited to each other. Both are very sensitive to each other's emotions, and can practically sense instantly when something is wrong with a partner.

Moreover, their qualities are perfectly suited to help the other, and vice versa. What one lacks, the other can provide.

More importantly, the Virgo is one of the few natives who can get out safely when the Cancer starts to misbehave. We all know that these emotional spells of theirs are very unpredictable and dangerous, but it seems that someone can cope with them and survive.

Now that's impressive! Besides, they are both looking for stability, security and a peaceful place to live together, so there will be no problems when one of them doesn't try hard enough and the relationship starts to fall apart.

The bond between them is built on layers of experiences that strengthened the connection between them. It made them more aware, vigilant and attentive to possible dangers, and so nothing gets in the way of the happy and exciting moments that make their appearance.

Now, Cancer is not alone in seeing emotions and feelings for what they really are, the main pillars of a relationship. Virgo is of the same opinion, and this consensus arises to ensure a better development of their love for each other.

Virgo and Leo as soul mates: A pragmatic coupling

Emotional connection ❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤ ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤

The combination between these two natives can give great results, basically on all levels, emotional, professional, social, self-development, etc.

Here's how it works: the Leo comes up with great ideas, the kind that, if applied patiently and correctly, could take someone to the heights of success.

Then the Virgo, with his high pragmatism and practical skill set, comes along and puts those ideas into practice. The result? Perfection, nothing more.

As usual, Leo's natural focus on seeking attention above all else is not to our Virgo native's liking, and this must be taken into account. If there is any chance of making this relationship work, the king of the jungle must either give up his throne, or learn to loosen up the arrogance and the spotlight detector.

Otherwise, Virgos love everything else about their partner, especially their high-tension, trusting attractiveness. In general, with similar ideas and plans, living together is much easier to achieve, and if they find some things in common, everything goes from a dream to a reality.

In turn, Leo natives are awed by the magnitude of Virgo's inner self. It is so beautiful, complex and simply impeccable, that they seem to be spellbound and immersed in an illusion.

This illusion keeps them totally focused on their partner, who will be quick to notice and, being a loving and attentive person, will not let the Leo's extreme loyalty slip away.

Virgo and Virgo as soul mates: two peas in a pod

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤

The Virginian couple is anything but different and incompatible. If one were to say that one could find a more beautiful and happier couple than this one, one would have to provide tons and tons of evidence, and it would all be useless.

They are simply perfect together. Similar principles, dreams, approaches, passions, everything about them makes perfect sense to each other, and vice versa.

It is always about who takes the first step, and who is willing to take responsibility for being the anchor point that connects the relationship to the real world.

Once this is achieved, for it will have to happen at one time or another, the Virgo will have his whole future ahead of him, one worthy of a king, not a commoner.

The prospects are endless and full of great and exciting opportunities that will help each of them to develop themselves and become more united than ever.

Some couples can break up even after a long time of living together and sharing all their experiences, their whole life, the happy moments and the bad ones.

These natives will never get to that point once the bond is fully established. Because of the many things that connect them on a deeper level than normal, it is also extremely difficult to break those connections.

Virgo and Libra as soul mates: It's in the small details

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

This can become a great match, if both make some sacrifices and give in to their primal compulsions, speaking of Virgo's predisposition to be too frank and direct, while Libra expects the other to take full responsibility.

If you take care of these little things, and such situations do not arise, you will be able to fully live the dream of a sublime and amazing relationship.

Both seem to have been born to be lovers, in a romantic sense, in the sense that each is specially constructed with a certain sense to target exactly what might affect the other to the maximum degree.

It is as if they can see precisely what his or her hidden desires and wishes are. Moreover, Librans are artists at heart, and seek to find beauty and aesthetic brilliance in everything around them, so their partner will naturally please them.

Now, the disadvantages and shortcomings these two have, which can create some small problems, temporary or otherwise. Firstly, Virgo's tendency to say exactly what is on his mind may be a little too harsh for Libra's sensitive ears.

At the same time, Virgos can't stand it when their partner refuses to live in the present and take any responsibility. They feel lost, unloved and unappreciated, something that should never happen to anyone, ever.

Virgo and Scorpio as soul mates: A watchful combination

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

Most likely, these natives are built in each other's image. That is because each is uniquely endowed with qualities that complement the aptitudes of the other. In particular, both have analytical and observational abilities, quick wits and a steady focus.

With them combined, the Virgo and Scorpio will be attentive and vigilant when it comes to taking the first step or committing to something unknown.

That is why their relationship is based on trust and loyalty, because they have had time to observe each other and have liked what they have seen.

While the Virgo tends to exaggerate any situation and criticise everyone involved for their obvious shortcomings, this time it doesn't work so well, because their partner is quite venomous and can retaliate in a moment.

Of course, it's not all bad, because the Scorpio will eventually notice their partner's insecurities and vulnerabilities, and won't take most attacks to heart.

Besides, knowing their determined and imposing personality, we would expect Virgos to lie down and surrender peacefully and obediently, but who would have thought they would remain immovable? This can only provoke admiration and respect from their partner.

The experiences and stressful situations, the overcoming of obstacles that stand in their way, the joint struggle with all of life's challenges, can greatly enhance and strengthen the bond between them.

After all, it is events like these that really bring people together and build a fierce relationship.

Virgo and Sagittarius as soul mates: Predefined Roles

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

These natives are naturally very opposite to each other on the grand zodiacal scale, but this does not prevent them from getting to know each other, deepening their personality traits and character traits, and accepting each other splendidly.

The Sagittarius is a philosopher, a nomad in search of the answers to all the existential dilemmas of the world, a lost soul, while the Virgoan seeks "only" to be superior to the person he once was. This common goal is what drives them to become one thing.

Each of them has their assigned role in the relationship, and doing so is as effortless as taking a walk in the park.

Thus, the cautious and strategic mind of Virgo breaks through their partner's barriers and hovers over them, while the freedom of character of Sagittarius causes them to break their chains and roam unhindered.

On life's journey, they both bring a little spice to things and keep things moving. With just a little insightful advice from the thoughtful mind of Virgo, as well as a little of the dynamic adventurous spirit of the Sagittarius lover, there is nothing to doubt about their ultimate destination: a "happily ever after" romantic relationship.

That sounds cliché, and a bit corny to be honest, but it is what it is. If these natives can make it happen, why not believe it?

Virgo and Capricorn as soul mates: A harmonious union

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

This is it! Now we don't believe that perfection exists, at least not that we know of, but if ever there was anything that came close, this has to be it.

The relationship that these two natives form is truly so deep, stable and firm that it is impossible for anything to be as balanced as the two of them.

Virgos and Capricorns are united by their earthly ancestry, and this means that, when a problem arises, they will not start fantasising about impossible solutions and chimerical theories. No, they will stop, look carefully at the situation, analyse the possible consequences as well as all the alternatives available to address it, and only then commit to a course of action.

Virgos will find themselves completely absorbed by the insatiable and voracious affection and interest of their partner, which fills them to the brim.

Not even the incessant reprimands and criticisms of the goat can make this native flee in fear and anger, because he is too immersed in the creative impetus of his partner. In turn, the Virgo is strengthened in his determination and self-esteem by the willpower of the Capricorn lover.

Being closely related to the Earth element, they can naturally find much relaxation and comfort in carrying out activities related to the workings of the earth, such as gardening, planting trees, flowers, etc.

It's a very harmonious relationship, because whenever the situation looks like it's going to turn very bad and sour, they both react instantly and relieve the pressure.

Virgo and Aquarius as soul mates: Intuition at its finest

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Virgo and Aquarius natives find it very easy to intuitively perceive each other's desires and dislikes, likes and dislikes.

Their peculiar characteristics and unique qualities are by no means misunderstood or taken for granted by either of them, because they communicate so much.

Discussions are a way to pass the time and hone their skills, otherwise how could they solve their deep questions about the nature of the world?

Unlike Aquarius, who is a visionary above all else, Virgo is a pragmatist who prefers to keep the status-quo intact, as only this would ensure stability and security for them to prosper.

This contradictory outlook on life could be an obstacle on their way to a life partner, but they also have many shared strengths. Things like compassion and philanthropic tendencies, which they put at the service of the whole planet, on a general scale.

Of course, Virgos consider their partner to be too ignorant and naive in their lack of respect for society's rules and regulations, but this is offset by the many similarities they have in common.

In fact, given all the intriguing and unique compatible traits they share, these differences can work in their favour, rather than against them. Moreover, both are greatly enhanced and developed by each other's influence and personality aura.

Virgo and Pisces as soul mates: A union written in the stars

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

When a Virgo and a Pisces meet, the stars align and shine brightly to signify the endless love they feel for each other, as well as the incredible future that awaits them.

As for how these natives act and behave, let us say that there can be no more harmonious and balanced couple than this one. They can directly feel the pulsations of their partner's heart, their every wish, desire and dream.

With the Piscean's tremendous imaginative drive and access to the higher plane of intuition and insight, it is not surprising that the Virgo, an individual with rather high expectations, finds himself hypnotised and mired in the illusory web cast by the Fish.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, both have to face a major problem: a lack of self-confidence, and a dangerous lack of self-confidence.

This is a bad thing for obvious reasons, but it could be perceived as a good thing, as it makes their bond even stronger and more stable than before.

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Today's horoscope: Virgo

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