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Aquarius qualities, positive and negative traits

Aquarians' charm and originality will always impress others, along with their rebellious and unconventional ways....
Author: Alegsa

  1. The qualities of Aquarius in a nutshell:
  2. An unconventional personality
  3. Positive qualities of Aquarius
  4. Negative Aquarius Traits
  5. Qualities of the Aquarius man
  6. Qualities of the Aquarius woman

Born between 20 January and 18 February, Aquarians are fascinated by technology, are independent and very unconventional.

What most characterises these natives is their rebelliousness and need for freedom, although this does not mean that they do not surround themselves with people. Their innovative ideas will always be appreciated, even if they sometimes seem unrealistic and eccentric.

The qualities of Aquarius in a nutshell:

Positive traits: Curiosity, eloquence and affection;

Negative traits: Unpredictability, pessimism and lack of concentration;

Symbolism: The Water Carrier is a symbol of philanthropic and humanitarian ideas.

Motto: I know.

These people are true trendsetters who love to interact with others. Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac and the most independent of all.

An unconventional personality

Aquarians may be seen as rather shy, but no one can surpass them in being lively and unconventional.

Whatever happens, they will always think about the most philosophical concepts and possess an intellect that they often use to help others.

These natives are never judgmental and can see both sides of a story, which means they are true problem solvers.

Although they are adaptable and sociable, they sometimes need to be alone to replenish their energy levels.

For them, the world is a place of many opportunities and, as an Air sign, they always use their mind when faced with a new situation. When they are not mentally stimulated, they become bored and no longer feel motivated to be the best.

Uranus is the planet that rules Aquarius and has a rather shy or occasionally aggressive influence, but it is also one of the most visionary celestial bodies.

Therefore, Aquarians can predict the future and are very good planners. The planet itself makes them powerful and versatile, while others see them as true humanists, great thinkers and hard-working innovators.

These people can only function in groups, so they always surround themselves with friends and colleagues. Their biggest problem in life may be the feeling that they are limited or do not have enough freedom.

Wanting independence and everyone to be equal, they will fight for those who have been robbed of their rights.

Many people see them as cold and rather aloof, but they should know that this is just their way of defending themselves against a certain kind of intimacy that they believe can make them weak.

The more they trust others and learn to express themselves openly, the better for them. Aquarius is one of the most sociable, charismatic and likeable signs of the zodiac.

People of this sign are very popular and want to make the world a better place. They may have problems because they are all the time thinking of ideas and concepts that seem unrealistic.

It is normal for them not to invest emotions and to have communication problems from time to time. Connecting with people from an emotional point of view is definitely something they need to learn more about.

Claustrophobia overwhelms them when they feel stressed, so they may have to explain why they want to be alone so often.

Otherwise, their spouses and friends may be confused and not understand what is really bothering them. Sometimes they don't even try to explain themselves too much, which can be very unfair to their loved ones.

There is no one who needs more intellectual stimulation than they do and they tend to prefer to be loyal to their loved ones.

Their charm, intelligence, originality and independence make them good leaders, even though they are rebellious and sometimes do not agree with any of the conventional ways.

Many members of the opposite sex will be attracted to this about them, but they place more importance on friendship than romance. It is difficult to get to know them, and this can be a source of frustration for your partner.

Those who want to live with them must get used to their energy and enthusiasm, and also to not being careful about rules and regulations.

There are two types of Aquarius: the unconventional and enthusiastic, or the shy and reserved. As long as they are surrounded by friends, neither of these two Aquarians will reveal their true personality.

Positive qualities of Aquarius

Every Aquarius is inventive, active and constantly thinking of new ideas on how to improve the world or help others.

These are the kind of people who can shake things up and inspire others to make the changes they need to make in their lives to be better.

Quirky and unconventional, Aquarians are never boring and know how to play a joke. Their stories will always be interesting because they have probably experienced all sorts of things and love to share them with others.

Eccentric and with thoughts that others dare not even imagine, they are considered great philosophers who can adopt the "out of the box" type of thinking. They are the type who solve complex problems with simple but surprising solutions.

You will never see them doing nothing because they hate to be bored. Individualistic and creative, Aquarians are also famous for being kind and caring, which means they could lead any group of people.

Although they love to listen to the opinions of others, they are unlikely to ever change their minds. They tend to stick to their beliefs no matter what.

Negative Aquarius Traits

As a weakness, Aquarians are simply not well connected to the world around them. They are rather detached and cold to those who pass through their lives, so if they don't respect people more, they may end up alone or treated as outcasts.

While they don't mind taking care of their friends and family, they must learn that balance is only achieved by taking care of each and every person who happens to be important in their lives separately, and not just paying attention to the group and thinking that everyone is fine.

They may not change their views, no matter how hard others try to convince them, and are very impatient when their views are not understood or are opposed.

Being too independent makes them seem too distant and often impersonal. They love their own ideas and are very unpredictable.

Qualities of the Aquarius man

The Aquarius man will never want to appear as if he is not who he really is or to sugarcoat people. He is very independent and may seem that his purpose in life is to change the world.

Having big dreams, he may overwhelm others when he is first introduced, but everyone will be able to see the genius in him as soon as he starts talking about his ideas.

He seems to be the most innovative colleague at work because he is always creative and determined to make things better. It can be rare to see someone more intellectual, supportive and visionary than he is, so many would consider him the mad scientist.

The more someone gets used to his unusual style, the more he will continue to impress and find the help he needs with all his so-called social experiments.

The most freedom-loving man of the zodiac, he is obsessed with independence and would rather die than be tied to anyone or anything.

The Aquarius man will always travel to exotic destinations and will never go on planned holidays that aim to get him from point A to point B. He is not the type to follow and is likely to already be a great leader at work or in his community. He is not the type to follow and is likely to already be a great leader at work or in his community.

When you accompany him on his travels, expect to see interesting things and engage in all sorts of creative activities. No one knows the world better than he does, and it's easy to recognise his style because he tends to dress in the most non-conformist way.

Sometimes stubborn and unwilling to accept the ideas of others, the Water Bearer man is a fixed sign, never leaving his projects unfinished and never changing his mind.

Qualities of the Aquarius woman

When it comes to the Aquarius woman, never try to tie her down because she will end up rejecting you completely. This woman also doesn't like to be stereotyped and tends to be surprising rather than constant and stable.

She has a non-conformist attitude and, as an Air sign, is an intellectual who does not want to deal with people who are not interested in acquiring more knowledge.

Her strength is tremendous, so she can frighten some people, especially when she first introduces herself. It is best to stick with her because, once the powerful blow wears off, she can be the most reliable, intelligent and original person you have ever met.

This lady is forward-looking and wants to help everyone. Like her male counterpart, she loves to travel and has many adventures in her life.

Disinterested in traditions, she enjoys listening to any progressive idea and does not like to change too many things in her personal relationships because she is very loyal and attached to the memories made with her lover or closest friends.

Very optimistic and courageous, the Aquarius woman often sees great things about her future and also wants to know a thing or two about her past.

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Today's horoscope: Aquarius

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