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Don't fall in love with a Cancer

Don't fall in love with a Cancer because even if you swear you won't and swear they are not your type, you will find yourself falling for them....
20-05-2020 13:16

Don't fall in love with a Cancer because they have the purest heart of gold of anyone you will ever meet. They enter into relationships without reason or asking anything of you. They love you with everything they can when you prove you deserve it. They are nice and not your typical nice, they go above and beyond to do their best to improve the lives of others.

Don't fall in love with a Cancer because even though they have a heart of gold they are very reserved. You have to work to get close to them. They will push you away only in the hope that you will try a little harder for them. Their love is not easy but that is where they teach you that the best things in life never are.

Don't fall in love with a Cancer because they will remember everything you say to them even in a whisper.

They listen more than they talk and care about what you have to say. They will remember things you don't even remember saying and know you better than anyone else.

Don't fall in love with a Cancer because they care too much. They care about how you feel and will be very cautious not to say or do anything wrong. They will apologise too much and you will wonder why they are apologising to you. But they just want you to be happy.

But more than worrying about you, one of their faults is worrying about what people think. While you can look at them and see someone who doesn't have a single flaw, people who don't like them understand them. And you'll have to counter that every time they ask you why.

Don't fall in love with a Cancer because they are so sensitive and emotional. They will teach you to see situations differently. They will teach you to be more careful. They will teach you to observe people a little more closely and to pick things up. You will find yourself changing because you will suddenly start to care not only about yourself but about everyone around you and the impact your actions and words have on them.

Don't fall in love with a Cancer because, as good as they are, they are insecure about it. You will take them to parties and you will notice that they get a bit nervous. They become a bit more shy. They don't do well in large groups, but if someone pulls them aside and talks to them one on one, they light up and they are the person you love.

Don't fall in love with a Cancer because they follow their heart. Even if it is an irrational or non-logical choice, if their heart is behind it, they will go that way and you won't be able to talk them out of it. They are really stubborn when it comes to the things they want. Maybe that includes you.

They don't do it subtly well. They are frank to the point that sometimes you can't believe it, but it's those little things that you like most about them.

Don't fall in love with a Cancer because they are very clingy and even if they consider it a flaw you are happy to have found someone who cares so much. Because it has become a world where people are afraid to care but they don't care.

Don't fall in love with a Cancer because no matter how quiet and pleasant they are, they will have you glued to something as simple as a conversation. You know them and feel you have known them all your life. They are impeccable at reading others and you should trust their judgement.

Don't fall in love with a Cancer because even if you swear you won't and swear they are not your type, you will find yourself falling for them. You might push them away and say this isn't going to work. But one day you wake up and realise that you love Cancer more than you'd like to admit. And that's how good they are at proving people wrong.

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