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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An Effective Solution for Insomnia

Discover cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: an effective and safe treatment. Join our free talk on the importance of sleep....
11-09-2024 20:21

  1. The Importance of Sleep in Our Lives
  2. Insomnia and Its Consequences
  3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An Effective Solution

The Importance of Sleep in Our Lives

Sleeping is a very important part of our lives and is considered a fundamental component of a healthy routine.

Specialists emphasize that during sleep, memory is consolidated, mood improves, and learning is reinforced, among other things.

At the same time, lack of sleep can cause mood and cognitive changes such as irritability, anxiety, depression, and lack of concentration.

It is not just a matter that causes discomfort; in the long term, lack of sleep can impact health and be associated with obesity, diabetes, depression, or cardiovascular diseases.

In my case, I had several psychological sessions with a behavioral therapist to resolve my sleep problems, I tell everything in this article: I solved my sleep problems in 3 months and I'll tell you how

Insomnia and Its Consequences

Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders, causing difficulties in falling or staying asleep throughout the night.

According to the Mayo Clinic in the United States, "in addition to affecting a person's energy levels, it can also harm quality of life, work or school performance, and physical and mental health."

The normalization of inadequate sleep is concerning, and often other medical or psychological conditions are prioritized over insomnia, which continues to affect the person's health without appropriate treatment.

I wake up at 3 a.m. and can't go back to sleep, what can I do?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An Effective Solution

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the first treatment option for insomnia and has the best evidence for its effectiveness and the lowest report of adverse effects. This therapy can help control or curb negative thoughts and actions that keep the person awake.

According to our psychologist Carolina Herrera, “the cognitive part of the therapy teaches to detect and modify beliefs that affect sleep,” while “the behavioral part helps to learn good sleep habits and to curb behaviors that prevent good sleep.”

Sleeping little causes serious health problems

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