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Aggressive and jealous Aries man: what to do?

The Aries man can be jealous and possessive, in this article I explain how to solve this problem....
15-02-2023 15:45

  1. Jealous and possessive Aries man
  2. What to do with Arians with these characteristics
  3. Keys to a healthy love relationship

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Aries men are by nature feisty, enthusiastic and very passionate. This can mean that they can become possessive or jealous at times. However, it is important to remember that each person is unique and the way they express their love or jealousy varies between individuals.

Is your Aries man jealous and possessive? I suggest you first read the article: Are Aries men jealous or possessive?

Jealous and possessive Aries man

Jealous and possessive are two words that always have and always will define Aries men.

Not all Aries have these characteristics, but many of them do, so don't ignore these characteristics if you detect them.

If you love these Aries men and want to stay in relationships with them, despite any problems that arise due to their jealous ideas and possessive nature, follow the advice given.

 One important thing to keep in mind is that Aries will get over their anger, so sometimes being patient with them is all they need.

I am not saying to ignore this anger, because it is a problem, but I am saying to be patient in your dealings with them.

You should also make sure that these Aries men know that you don't agree with the way they act when they are jealous and full of anger. However, as we know, these Aries men are sensitive, you must do this carefully and without blame.

 I have read other articles on this subject, and several say that the partners of these Aries men agree with them and accept their jealousy, but I disagree.

If he has no reason to be jealous and act in the childish way he does, he needs to know that this is not an adult way of acting. He may see you as one of his possessions, but you are not his property. You are your own, not his.

 Just remember and understand all the tips above, and you'll know everything you need to know about Aries men.

Aries men can be temperamental in relationships, but many of them can be worth the effort you may need to make.

 However, you should also understand the line between a casual bout of jealousy and a jealousy-driven fit of rage. An unhealthy relationship is not a happy one. Explore your Aries men and find a good one.

If you want to know a little more about Aries you can read: Positive and negative Aries qualities

What to do with Arians with these characteristics

It is important to understand that if you really want to keep this Aries man in your life, there are certain ways to avoid jealousy, which I will explain below.

The cardinal rule is that if there is nothing to make them jealous and they won't let you go freely, you will probably have to let it go.

To prevent the Aries man from becoming jealous, don't try to provoke him intentionally.

There is no reason to do this, as it will only provoke their anger.

Purposely trying to provoke jealousy in your man shows insecurity and is not healthy for the relationship. Try to avoid doing it on purpose, but don't feel bad if you accidentally do it.

Another way to prevent jealousy in Aries men is to not show any kind of attraction to other men. These men are insecure by nature, and they do not like to feel insecure.

Although it's natural to be attracted to other people, the best way to handle it is simply not to act on it. If this worries your Aries man, it's best not to bring it up until you're both completely secure in your relationship.

Recognize her needs to feel superior. This doesn't mean you have to let him feel above you, but be aware that his satisfaction depends on it.

Make him understand that he has no control over you, but do it carefully.

Don't suffocate him. Aries men like to do things constantly, so support their activities and don't stop them from doing what they want to do.

Other suggestions include going out together. Aries men want to go out in the evenings instead of staying home to watch TV.

Support their activities, but also take charge of the things you want to do so that balance is maintained.

Don't lie, even about little things. This only fuels jealousy and raises suspicions about other things you may be lying about.

And finally, don't hurt or unfairly criticize your Aries man. These men are sensitive, so if you love him, try not to intentionally hurt him (just like anyone else you might love).

Keys to a healthy love relationship

I suggest you read this article to improve your relationship:

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  • How to make an Aries man leave me

    Hello! ? I understand that the situation with an Aries man can be quite complicated and tense. Aries are known for their passion, energy, and sometimes aggressive behavior. It seems that you really want to free yourself from this relationship, and it's important to approach it carefully.

    Here are a few tips on how to handle this situation:

    1. Be honest and open ?️: Communication is essential. Explain to him how you feel and why you think it's best to part ways. Aries value honesty and will anticipate the situation in advance.

    2. Set boundaries ?: Establish clear boundaries after the breakup. Aries tend to want control. Therefore, it's important to clearly state your needs.

    3. If necessary, avoid conflict ✋: If you know that a meeting could become tense, try to clarify things in writing or over the phone instead of in person.

    4. Plan how you will react ?️: Aries men can be jealous and aggressive, so plan how to respond to any attempts to make you change your mind.

    5. Surround yourself with friends ?: Support from close people can help in dealing with this difficult moment.

    How do you feel about all this? Have you had previous conversations with him regarding your intentions? Share more about the situation so we can find the best solution together! ?
  • I am married. A Aries man wants us to be lovers. But while he says he likes me, he never has time for me; something else is always more important. What should I do?

    I understand that the situation you are in is extremely complex and can lead to a lot of emotions. ? Your relationship with an Aries man seems contradictory, as he shows interest, but at the same time, the lack of time may be a source of confusion.

    Let's analyze the situation and see how you can approach it:

    1. Clarity of feelings and intentions: It's wonderful that he likes you, but if he can't find time for you, it's a sign that his priorities may be different. ?️ Can you ask him a direct question about his intentions? How does he see your relationship?

    2. Your own needs: How do you feel in this situation? Is this person important to you, and would you like to continue like this? Understand what you want and what your needs in love are.

    3. Set boundaries: As a married woman, it's important to define what your personal boundaries are. ? Do you feel comfortable with the idea of a lover? How would your husband react if he found out?

    4. Obstacles in relationships: Explore other tools you can use to communicate or tune into feelings. For example, suggest a date and see how he reacts.

    5. Think about the future: How do you envision your future with him? Consider whether such a type of commitment would satisfy your long-term desires.

    6. Reassess yourself: It's also important to evaluate what exactly you are looking for in a romantic relationship. Are there moments of dissatisfaction or unrealistic expectations?

    Remember that the most important thing is your peace of mind and personal happiness. ? Listen to your intuition; it often guides you correctly! Don't hesitate to share your feelings or any other questions you have - I'm here for you! ?

I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

Today's horoscope: Aries

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