Each house in astrology represents its own meaning. The meanings of all the houses in astrology are fixed. What really varies is the zodiac sign. Let's get to know the 12 houses for Aries born and what they mean for them:
First house: The first house is a house that represents "yourself". The ruling planet of this house is Mars and Aries occupies the first house for those born in Aries.
Second house: The second house is the house that represents "wealth, family and finance" for those born in Aries. Taurus occupies the second house for Aries and is ruled by the planet "Venus".
Third house: The third house is the house that represents "Communication and Brothers" for Aries born people. Gemini is the sign that occupies the third house for those born in Aries and is ruled by the planet Mercury.
Fourth House: The fourth house is the Sukhsthana and represents the "Mother" in general. However, Cancer rules the fourth house for those born in Aries and is ruled by the planet "Moon".
Fifth house: The fifth house is the house of children and education. It is occupied by the sign Leo for the Aries Lagna and is ruled by the planet "Sun".
Sixth house: The sixth house is the house of debts, illnesses and enemies. Virgo occupies the sixth house for those born in Aries and is ruled by the planet Mercury.
Seventh house: Represents the partner, the spouse and the marriage. Libra rules the seventh house for Aries people and is ruled by the planet Venus.
Eighth House: Represents "Longevity" and "Mystery". Scorpio rules this sign for the lagna of Aries and is ruled by the planet Mars itself.
Ninth house: Represents the "Guru/Master" and "Religion". Sagittarius occupies this sign for Aries Lagna and is ruled by the planet Jupiter.
Tenth house: Represents the career or profession or Karma sthana. Capricorn occupies this house and is ruled by the planet "Saturn".
Eleventh house: Represents earnings and income in general. Aquarius occupies this house for those born in Aries and is ruled by the planet Saturn.
Twelfth house: Represents expenses and losses. Pisces occupies this house for those born in Aries and is ruled by the planet Jupiter.
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Aquarius Aries Cancer Capricorn Gemini Leo Libra Pisces Sagittarius Scorpio Taurus Virgo
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