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9 key things to know before dating a Leo sign

Keep these Leo dating tips in mind so you can make the most of your dates with this exciting sign....
14-07-2022 14:31

  1. 1. They have a strong and addictive personality.
  2. 2. They can only be in the crosshairs
  3. 3. They have some hidden vulnerabilities
  4. 4. They are competitive by nature
  5. 5. You will be debated
  6. 6. Cultivate and nurture their own personality cult.
  7. 7. They are very temperamental
  8. 8. They will never admit they are wrong
  9. 9. They react to compliments and proof of love.

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1. They have a strong and addictive personality.

Leos are known among all other zodiac signs for their extreme self-confidence, pride and self-awareness.

And these traits extend not only in everyday life and career, but also when it comes to intimate relationships. What I mean is that a date with this native will get you addicted.

Addicted to what questions? Well, to the lively adventures and wonderful experiences it will take you on, of course.

Get ready to jump down the rabbit hole and into Wonderland, where not a minute goes by without something exciting happening. An endless parade of exhilarating events, that's basically what it's like to spend time with a Leo.

On the other hand, when living with one, be aware that they are very proud and bold individuals.

There are not many things they dare not do. However, that same attitude can have an entirely different implication when used as a method of seduction.

Such boldness quickly becomes a seductive and attractive approach that few people can resist. When that happens, going with the flow would be the best idea, and allowing yourself to enjoy what it has to offer.

2. They can only be in the crosshairs

Having enormous confidence in their abilities, Leo natives waste no time in spreading the word to everyone they meet. It's even better if they have the opportunity to show it.

Better still, it illustrates the point so that nothing is left out, so they almost look for conflicting situations and opportunities to be extravagant and splendid.

If you want to make a Leo happy, sorry, let me put it another way. If you want to make a Leo ecstatic and over-enthusiastic, just start praising their looks or their skills. It will be a guaranteed success, whatever goal you have in mind.

On the other hand, Leo people do not accept being treated with disrespect or ignored, regardless of the reason or context.

So, whatever you do, don't forget, under any circumstances, to always talk to him or give him your undivided attention, at all times. This counts for a lot in a Leo's mind, and he or she is sure to give it back to you when the time comes.

3. They have some hidden vulnerabilities

For all that arrogance and selfishness, you would think that nothing could shake a Leo's self-confidence, but the truth is that they just seem tough.

Sentimentally, this native puts up a facade, but in reality they have a very obvious vulnerability, and that is jealousy. Yes, that's right, Leos are jealous when given a reason, but they also tend to overreact to some comments, attitudes or gestures made by the loved one.

This makes their whole world a living hell, and they need to be constantly reassured, lest it all fall apart. This insecurity is their most vital weakness, which can lead to a lot of pain for both of them.

4. They are competitive by nature

Clearly something that comes as naturally to them as breathing, Leo's have big dreams that they want to achieve, and they will stop at nothing to achieve those goals.

With a great work force and an almost obsessive desire to be the person in charge, they go to unimaginable lengths to keep moving forward on their chosen path.

What other people can't or won't do, a Leo will do, and what others don't even dare to think about, a Leo takes for granted and is already halfway there.

So what you have to do to live a happy life with this native is to allow them to be in charge. Nothing satisfies them more than ruling over others, making decisions that have to be followed by others.

5. You will be debated

It is not surprising that Leos not only like to engage in verbal disputes and debates, but that they thrive in such contexts. The feeling of confirmation and affirmation is present in everything they do, so why not here?

Even if they accept other existing points of view, that is what they are interested in. It is enough that someone dares to contradict them, but also to have the audacity to believe that their argument is valid?

Nonsense, and they know it, which is why a debate will not end until a Leo has said the last word or everyone agrees with him (either out of desperation or recognition).

6. Cultivate and nurture their own personality cult.

What flows through a Leo's veins is not red blood, but blue blood, on steroids. Royalty to the core, these guys have an ego so big that even sharing it with another person won't completely remove that image of snobbery and arrogance.

Not only do they know that they are the greatest beings in the world, but there must also be chants about it, TV reports, ancient prophecies and even a cult of personality.

Surely they would not mind if this were the case; on the contrary, it would be normal and expected.

However, this also means that a Leo is really prone to being manipulated and controlled, and easily so.

Just stroke his ego enough and give him enough praise, and you will have an extremely grateful and enthusiastic lamb at your disposal.

This has its limits, of course. Don't think that with a few nice things they will give up their self-esteem and dignity.

7. They are very temperamental

Another thing that is a direct consequence of his proud nature is his volcanic and moody personality.

There is no shortage of conflict and arguments are a daily affair in a relationship, but if you have them with a Leo, suddenly the participants become enemy soldiers, the house a minefield and the arguments lethal weapons.

Pull the lion's tail and you will suffer for it. So it is better to step back and let the demons calm down before coming to a conclusion.

Anyway, the thing to remember is that Leo natives have a very short fuse, one connected to 10 pounds of TNT of the highest quality.

8. They will never admit they are wrong

Admitting no other point of view than their own, Leo's are what you might call an insecure ruler with a superiority complex.

If it ever happens that their goals and desires are hindered by something or someone, they will not hesitate to eliminate all threats.

With great potential and an even greater taste for success and power, they will do all they can to achieve greatness, despite all obstacles and interference.

When a Leo is right, because the problem is not IF he is right, but WHEN he is right, everyone else has to accept it too.

Some praise would also be great, to say the least. However, too much attention and pampering can often provoke irritation on their part, so don't overdo it by becoming a feisty cheerleader who goes on and on about how great they are.

9. They react to compliments and proof of love.

That impulsive, explosive personality, remember it? It's still there, yes, but I'll let you in on a little secret. It can be quickly solved with a few well-placed compliments and praise.

Of course, it can be very difficult to do this in the middle of a wild argument, but with the prospect of making him even more angry, perhaps too angry, it seems like a good option.

Normally, Leo natives are especially affectionate and generous with their partners, putting their well-being and happiness at the top of their to-do list.

Highly loyal and devoted, they take the bond between two people very seriously and will never see it as superficial.

If any problem threatens the entire relationship, Leo will be the first to start the fight and the last to give it up, as they struggle with almost inhuman efforts to keep everything afloat.

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Today's horoscope: Leo

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