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Leo's weaknesses: Know them to be able to overcome them

These people are selfish and tyrannical, willing to fight to be the centre of attention....
13-07-2022 18:06

  1. Leo's weaknesses in a nutshell:
  2. They cling to the wrong things
  3. The weaknesses of each deanery
  4. Love and friendships
  5. Family life
  6. Professional career

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Leos act as if they are better than others. These people are ignorant and glamorous, not to mention that they may talk or behave in a friendly manner, making others see their superiority. They are the real Kings and Queens or can be called so.

People born under Leo are megalomaniacs in love with themselves and therefore intolerant. They are also selfish and sometimes weak, unable to take second place.

Leo's weaknesses in a nutshell:

1) They tend to think only of their own needs;

2) When it comes to love, they always want to have the last word;

3) They love their family very much, but do not tolerate the authority of others very well;

4) In terms of work, they are territorial and vindictive.

They cling to the wrong things

These people always need to be the centre of attention and believe they are entitled to everything because they are intelligent and know how to take advantage of any opportunity.

Moreover, they believe that the world revolves around them and them alone, and by not getting the respect they ask for, as well as praise and respect, they begin to suffer and have their esteem hurt.

In this situation, his dark side emerges and he becomes a whole new person that no one wants to be with, whether in public or in the domestic sphere.

Leo's focus on the material side of life, they only think of their own needs and do not look at others. They may even manipulate others to get what they want in life.

Moreover, they are only interested in luxury and want to shine. Leo natives believe in their exceptional powers and want to be seen in a positive light by others.

In addition, they seek to form powerful connections and are capable of flattering themselves. These natives are good tricksters who behave like spoilt children, in an authoritarian and tyrannical manner.

They have a tendency to fight to be the centre of attention. They are more likely to be inclined to receive only positive focus from others and their reactions are better than none at all.

If they have nothing to present to the public, such as their originality and skills, they do their best to impress with expensive clothes.

Therefore, they always buy the most expensive clothes and are very artistic, sometimes vulgar and do their best to impress. According to them, their belongings should show their status.

Leo's may continue to cling to wrong ideas because they are too proud. They do not like to reflect on themselves and cannot admit when they make a mistake.

These natives like to be admired and noticed by others.

In case something goes wrong and people do not follow their own rules, they start acting dramatically. In case they are not paid attention to, they may create situations to attract the interest of others.

Leo natives have a fragile ego and take things personally, not to mention that they can feel hurt and even angry when someone disrespects them.

If this happens, their real composure starts to fade and they become more dramatic than usual.

These people do not waste their energy on judging or being vindictive, they only think about what they can do to get retribution.

The weaknesses of each deanery

Leos of the 1st decade have an air of superiority, which means that they seek the perfect partner, but overwhelm them with their ideas of having a good reputation.

This decanate is of the elites. Born people only offer their confidence to a few, not to mention that they are very demanding when it comes to their relationships, but they are not so sure of themselves.

Leos of the 2nd decanate act like true Lords and focus on their many connections. They want to be loved enthusiastically and cannot stand mediocre or unpleasant individuals.

This is a decanate for those who want to be appreciated, motivated by others, welcomed and praised. They compensate by having a Royal attitude and choosing to connect with others in a prestigious way.

Leos of the third decade are the most demanding. They are jealous and want to give their affection exclusively, but if they feel betrayed, they hold a grudge, which can destroy them.

These people are self-sufficient and commit themselves only occasionally. However, they are the first to give advice and lessons to others. Those who live close to them may have a chaotic daily life.

Love and friendships

Leo natives are superficial and possess a lot of authority. Their pride can turn into arrogance, not to mention that they can be quite vain.

Authoritarian, these people have their domineering ways and are open-minded, but they are also full of prejudices, which can destroy their emotional connections.

In bed, they are arrogant and want to do things their way, so their partner has to be submissive, which means they are dominant and keep their lover close, just to feel satisfied themselves.

When someone disagrees with them, they become complete tyrants. Leo individuals always want to be number one, the smartest and the best looking, so they are jealous most of the time.

When competing, they do not hesitate to lie and to disregard the person they see as their opponent.

They need love and when someone does not give it to them, they are quick to be gratified. In addition, they may become promiscuous in trying to get the person they think is theirs.

Leos love to be the boss, they are preachy and intolerant, which means they can ignore what others say and don't want to reconsider anything.

They find it difficult to listen to people in authority, which indicates that they are despotic. When they are leaders, they can easily become revolutionaries.

When it comes to long-term friendships, they need to be paid attention to and treated like kings, because they cannot bear to lose their good reputation and diplomacy.

In their social life, Leo natives want to be the centre of attention and the life and soul of any party, but at the expense of others.

Family life

Leo-born people want prestige, but they are superficial, prejudiced and sometimes hysterical.

They rely on their environment to get ahead in life, but they can survive their imposing personality if they are not all over the place. When angry, they are theatrical.

The more immature ones are like enthusiastic children and are all the time throwing tantrums, demanding attention from others and believing that they are the only ones who matter.

Fortunately, not many are so immature and disorganised that their darkest fears are so evident. Evolved Leo natives are intelligent enough to consciously and actively overcome their dark side, as well as to trust themselves or be generous and happy, as they are supposed to be.

They see their own personality through the eyes of others and constantly ask for more from their loved ones, but sometimes they can be too demanding.

Leo parents expect their children to be rewarding to them. Proud of their little ones, they know how to educate and want their children's name to shine brightly.

Children in Leo are tyrants when they are not pushed to become someone, because they lack confidence in their own power. They also need to learn to listen and avoid prejudice.

Professional career

Leo-born people are dominant, exaggerated, arrogant and glamorous. They cannot limit themselves and have a need to be admired by others, even if this is not the case with their colleagues.

In wanting to run any show, these natives almost never make concessions.

Belonging to the Fire element, they are enthusiastic but can become unmotivated and vulnerable for no reason.

When they don't have enough inspiration, they may not be with their whole heart, not to mention that they can get depressed when they have to do too much, which is a time when they should listen to their heart.

In addition, they can become emotional if they don't feel someone important, which means they need to love themselves more, also to be passionate.

When they are colleagues, they cannot be subordinates and follow what their superiors say.

Territorial, they are bosses who seek to achieve their own goals, regardless of what others want and need. If they work independently, they are prone to spend on expensive things and do not accept contradiction.

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