Welcome to ALEGSA's horoscope

Amulets, stones, colours and good luck objects for the Leo zodiac

AMULET STONES: the best stones to use in neck wear, rings or bracelets are ruby and diamond. Also garnet, chrysolite, aquamarine. METALS: gold, silver and bronze....
22-07-2022 13:41

AMULET STONES: the best stones to use in neck wear, rings or bracelets are ruby and diamond. Also garnet, chrysolite, aquamarine.

METALS: gold, silver and bronze.

PROTECTIVE COLOURS: light, bright colours, such as white and silver.

LUCKY MONTHS: December, January, February, March.

LUCKY DAY: Sunday.

IDEAL OBJECT: a Chinese snake made of the above mentioned metals serves to protect us.

IDEAL GIFT FOR WOMEN: What gifts to buy for the Leo woman

IDEAL GIFT FOR MAN: What gifts to buy for the Leo man

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Today's horoscope: Leo

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