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9 keys you should know before falling in love with an Aquarius

Keep these Aquarius dating tips in mind so you can make the most of your dates with this quirky sign....
Author: Alegsa

  1. 1. They do not give up easily
  2. 2. They will help everyone
  3. 3. They are attracted to try new things
  4. 4. They are more cerebral than sentimental
  5. 5. They are not the type to fall head over heels in love.
  6. 6. Your Aquarius doesn't want to wait up
  7. 7. They are sapiosexual
  8. 8. Your freedom comes first
  9. 9. They are visionaries

Meeting an Aquarius will be a very important event in your life, especially because if things are evenly matched, you will never lack for anything else.

Although highly intelligent and with great potential, these natives can sometimes become too entrenched in their own logical worlds, where they cannot survive for long without a breath of fresh air.

That is, these individuals tend to perceive the world through their personal lenses, with objectivity and rationalism being the main contributors here.

Now, even with that said, once they find someone who really understands and appreciates their weirdness, and they manage to keep up, they become real Romeos and Julietas.

Romantic to the core with the right kind of person, things are anything but dull and insipid with them around.

Aquarians can sometimes be the bearers of bad news, but in reality, they can't once thank heaven for sending one of them here.

1. They do not give up easily

Incredibly stubborn and persistent in their beliefs and approaches, Aquarians are probably the only individuals in the world who have no sense of defeat or resignation.

What doesn't come naturally to them will eventually have to be achieved, and if it doesn't work, they simply have to try again until it does.

This is literally how this native thinks and behaves. Failures are just flies on the windscreen, intermediate steps on the road to success.

If an Aquarian decides to stop his or her efforts, the recognition of possible defeat would be the last reason to do so, just for the record.

2. They will help everyone

Aquarius natives are motivated by an almost obsessive urge to help people however and whenever possible. Without putting anything aside and putting their heart and soul into it, being of help to someone in need seems to be their highest calling.

They are also marked by a heartbreaking grief, the tragedy of not being able to contribute to the happiness and well-being of all.

In addition to the obvious lack of omnipresence, there are also people who are beyond any kind of normal help, so even that would not be enough.

Of course, they realise this, but no matter how rational and realistic they are, it is still very difficult to accept and come to terms with.

Instead, they redouble their efforts on people whose healing is still within the realm of possibility.

Great listeners and very empathetic people, Aquarians will listen to your story from beginning to end without uttering a single word and paying the utmost attention.

Truly humanitarian and philanthropic in their attitude and approach, these natives feel better when they know that the world and the people in it are getting better and better.

3. They are attracted to try new things

One thing about Aquarians is that the monotony and tedium of life is unattractive at best, and repugnant at worst.

And that is not because of boredom or some other superficial feeling, but because of a lack of opportunities for self-development and personal evolution. If someone has a different opinion, that's their problem.

Love life, career, family, none of these have a big enough pull for Aquarians, at least not enough to make them forget their natural drive for personal development.

Of course, if you support them on this path, it is not unreasonable to say that you have just become vital and essential to their existence.

4. They are more cerebral than sentimental

Aquarius men will never be those guys who over-romanticise and try to impress with flowers, candy, poems or recitals.

Apart from the usual courtesies and formal obligations, these things will most likely never happen.

It is not that they despise and are against any kind of romantic attire, but it does not intrigue them as much as a deep conversation about Darwin's theory or a debate about artificial intelligence.

That's what really gets them going. Intelligence will always be sexier than basically everything else, that is, for some people.

Sapiosexual by right and birth, Aquarians are on a level of their own from this point of view. So, if you want to impress them and attract their attention, buying that recent book on astronomy and taking it on a date would be much better than organising a perfect dinner party, champagne, caviar and all.

They are not impressed by signs of superficiality, no matter how beautiful or elegant their partner may be.

5. They are not the type to fall head over heels in love.

Having a pragmatic and realistic outlook on life, and a more patient and analytical demeanour, they will obviously not make impulsive decisions or rush headlong into battle.

Preferring a more gradual approach, Aquarius women are less likely to lose their heads over a romantic interest, which means that when the time comes, they take it slow and easy. That's how it should be, isn't it? At least for these natives, yes, that's the way it should be.

Independence is another important desire of an Aquarius. Independence and private space, that is. If they can't have that, big problems are likely to arise, so you need to pay attention.

6. Your Aquarius doesn't want to wait up

A paradox in itself, they are quite impatient when it comes to their relationships with other people.

Their expectations are quite high, and they don't accept wasting time for anything in the world. Why is this a paradox? Because when it comes to love, impatience is taboo.

When they return, they are more often than not even less willing to tolerate any self-doubt.

Moreover, whether out of self-centredness or stubbornness (the latter is more likely), everything has to be done according to a certain pattern, according to their schemes if possible, or else they will simply walk away.

7. They are sapiosexual

Being intellectually gifted and knowledge-seeking, it is a fact that shallow and ignorant people should stay where they are and stay away. It will never work, even with all the effort and love in the world.

Having to live with someone who will most likely never reach your level of insight or curiosity has to be, to say the least, irritating and uncomfortable. And that is precisely why they avoid such individuals, preferring instead those who are whip-smart and witty to the extreme.

Boredom is obviously out of the question. On the contrary, there is a (very high) chance that something will come out of all these conversations. A flower will bloom, a spark will ignite and nature will take its course.

8. Your freedom comes first

Fiercely protective of their time and personal space, Aquarians will live life as they see fit, independent and free-spirited, or die trying.

Fighting tooth and nail for freedom, these natives will not even flinch at ending any poisonous relationship that seeks to enslave them.

It is in their nature to despise being chained by ties or people, so natural instincts will kick in regardless of the circumstances.

Family, partners, best friends, your boss will bow to no one, and that is a fact known to all.

9. They are visionaries

Being progressive and dreamy individuals with infinite potential, Aquarians will often find themselves naturally thinking of all sorts of plans and ideas for the future, sometimes too much.

At times, they seem indifferent and aloof, but that is because their brains never stop working, imagining new things and envisioning potential outcomes.

One thing you can say about them is that they either go for it, or they don't. Half-measures and weak attempts are even worse than not trying at all. Half measures and feeble attempts are even worse than not trying at all.

What helps greatly in this endeavour is the innate optimism and cheerful outlook of Aquarius natives.

There are not many things that can darken the mood and spoil the attitude of such a bright individual, and the things that can do so are quickly set aside and isolated.

Problems have to have a way out, and that's how they keep doing things, always looking for solutions and making plans.

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Today's horoscope: Aquarius

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