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Here's what it means when someone sends you confusing signals based on their sign

What sends complicated signals? Don't quite understand what he's playing at? Here is a possible answer according to your zodiac sign....
Author: Alegsa


(21 March to 19 April)

There is one trait about you that cannot be overlooked.

Aries are actually much more particular than they are usually given credit for, especially when it comes to deciding who they want to date. If an Aries seems to be sending you mixed signals, it's usually because, although they are at least interested in you, there is something about you that they can't see clearly, and they are waiting to see if you really are the one, or if you will get over it on your own.


(20 April to 21 May)

They want to weigh their other options.

If a Taurus seems to be sitting on a fence, undecided, it is usually because that is exactly what they are doing, and there is something on the other side of the fence that they are at least partially interested in as well. Tauruses are selfish people (this is not a bad thing, usually). It means that they like to evaluate their options and try to make the best possible choice. At the moment, it is not obvious that this is you.


(22 May to 21 June)

They still don't trust you.

When a Gemini sends mixed signals, it is because although they are developing feelings for you, they do not yet trust you lest they break their hearts or be abandoned again. Geminis test the waters by letting you in and then temporarily take over the intimacy. This dance goes back and forth until they know you are as serious as they are.


(22 June to 22 July)

They don't love you as much as they love you.

Cancer, along with Libra, is the most relationship-oriented sign. It's rare for these guys to send mixed messages, so when they do, they make a statement... and that statement is that they don't love you as much as you want to believe they do. When a Cancer feels a connection with someone, they do everything they can to engage and deepen it. If that doesn't flow naturally, it's because something doesn't feel right for them.


(23 July to 22 August)

They are interested in something, but it is not a relationship.

Leos are actually quite literal with their mixed messages: they want you around sometimes (usually for sex) but are not interested in more. There's really nothing deeper to decode here. They definitely enjoy spending time with you and having the relationship you have, but they're not interested in anything beyond that. If they were, you would know that without a doubt.


(23 August to 22 September)

They see your potential.

If a Virgo is not jumping head first into a relationship, it is because they have identified something problematic in their potential partner, and they want to see if their concerns are valid or not. Virgos will stick around until they know you are someone who is really worth their time, and as soon as they do, you will experience the best of their love. The process of getting their love is more or less like an interview, or a test. Only a few pass.


(23 September to 22 October)

They are testing the waters.

Libra have only two types of relationships in their lives: their soul mates, and all those who prepare them for their soul mates. Being notoriously indecisive, this seems to be the only thing that is constant for them. They are not interested in relationships that lead nowhere. They are not interested in anything other than their ultimate true love. So when a Libra sends you mixed signals, it's because they are trying to determine whether or not you are that person.


(23 October to 22 November)

They are waiting for you to give them a clue.

Because they are so bold and determined in their lives, Scorpios take many of their relationship cues from other people. One of their most overwhelming desires is to feel validated and accepted, especially by their romantic partners. They are much more inclined to pretend to "play nice" and wait to see what you do before sharing how they feel or what they want. They will also use this as a time to test you, to see how committed you really are, and how much you care.


(23 November to 21 December)

They are not interested.

Sagittarians are not usually caught up with "mixed feelings" about people. They are either interested in them, or they are not. In this case, anything that seems like a mixed message is really a message you don't want to hear: they're not interested. Or, at least, they are not interested enough to make their intentions clear and a real commitment.


(22 December to 20 January)

They are not ready.

Capricorns are people who thrive when they are steady and calm, aware of what is going on around them and in their lives. They like to lead with firmness, and very rarely jump into a relationship without first examining the person thoroughly. If a Capricorn is sending you mixed signals, it is because they are not yet sure of you, and are trying to find their balance.


(21 January to 18 February)

They see no significant benefit in committing to a relationship with you.

Aquarians are unique in that they are very often able to override their feelings and make decisions based on reasoning. This is what makes them so successful in their lives: they don't just do what they think feels right at the time. This also means that if they are sending mixed signals, while they are vaguely interested in you, there is not enough intrinsic motivation for them to commit to you now (or maybe ever).


(19 February to 20 March)

They are afraid of what they feel.

A Pisces will guard their feelings more than any other sign, and that is why they often have to turn to art or music to express what they have so deeply suppressed. If they are sending mixed messages, it is because they feel strongly about something, and are so afraid of being hurt or making the wrong decision that they have to play it completely as if they are not interested, or that they are indifferent about the outcome. Pisces are rarely confused about their feelings, but are often afraid of them.

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