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What kind of friendships do you avoid according to your zodiac sign?

Find out which friendships to avoid based on your zodiac sign - read on to learn more!...
14-06-2023 18:36

  1. Aries
  2. Taurus
  3. Gemini
  4. Cancer
  5. Leo
  6. Virgo
  7. Libra
  8. Scorpio
  9. Sagittarius
  10. Capricorn
  11. Aquarium
  12. Pisces
  13. The friendship that healed my heart

As a psychologist and zodiac expert, I have had the opportunity to help countless people understand the complexities of their relationships and friendships.

 Throughout my career, I have observed that each zodiac sign has unique characteristics and preferences when it comes to friendships.

 It's fascinating how our cosmic personalities influence the connections we make with others. In this article, we'll explore what kind of friendships you avoid based on your zodiac sign.

 Get ready to discover how your sign affects your choices of friendships and you may find answers to questions you've had for a long time.

 So, without further ado, let's dive into the exciting world of astrological friendships.


(March 21-April 19)
Avoid friendships that judge your adventurous spirit.

 As an Aries, you don't like to be limited or bossed around.

 You can't tolerate a friend who tries to take away your autonomy or speak on your behalf.

 You need to surround yourself with people who support you and allow you to be yourself.


(April 20-May 20)
Avoid friendships full of pressure and expectations.

 You are a stubborn person and set your own ways, especially when you want to relax and stay at home.

 You hate it when others try to make you feel guilty about something.

 Therefore, you avoid friendships that compromise your personal happiness and harmony.


(May 21-June 20)
Avoid clingy and overly dependent friendships.

 You value your independence and welcome change in your life.

 Friendships that try to trap you or claim your time never end well with you.

 You seek friendships that allow you to be free and accompany you on your adventures.


(June 21-July 22)
Avoid friendships with selfish people who do not open up sincerely.

 You are not a casual person and cannot make a half-hearted friendship.

 For you, friendships are true and deep, or they simply don't exist.

 You do not tolerate superficial relationships and seek friendships that are authentic and meaningful.


(July 23-August 24)
Avoid petty and unconvincing friendships.

 You are a proud and honorable person, and you expect the same from your friends.

 You do not tolerate those who constantly abandon plans or treat you as a second choice. You seek friendships that respect and value you as you deserve.


(August 23-September 22)
Avoid immature and frivolous friendships.

 Those who treat everything as a joke or who make irresponsible decisions are not high on your list of friends.

 You like to plan and have control over your life, and it bothers you when others tease others for being responsible and mature.

 You seek friendships that share your worldview.


(September 23-October 22)
Avoid friendships that try to rush you and pressure you.

 Although you are charming and social, you also crave your own space and alone time.

 Some friends may try to rush your decisions, and that's not what you're looking for.

 You need to surround yourself with people who respect you and understand your individual needs.


(October 23-November 21)
Avoid thoughtless and selfish friendships.

 You are deeply emotional and tend to take things personally.

 Therefore, you are easily irritated by those who only care about themselves and reject you.

 You seek friendships that are empathetic and value your feelings.


(November 22-December 21)
Avoid friendships that take life too seriously.

 You enjoy playful humor and often feel judged by those who act too mature.

 Although you know that life has serious moments, you prefer to keep things light and fun.

 You do not seek friendships that are overly cautious and strict in their manner.


(December 22-January 19)
Avoid friendships that lack ambition and drive.

 You surround yourself with passionate and successful people who inspire and motivate you.

 You value the dedication and effort of those in your inner circle.

 You are not attracted to those who do not care about their future or career.

 You seek friendships that share your determination and ambition.


(January 20-February 18)
Avoid friends who are willfully ignorant and uninterested in learning.

 For you, knowledge is one of the most important and powerful things in the world.

 You are not attracted to complacent people who never challenge their own thoughts.

 You seek friendships that are curious and willing to grow with you.


(February 19-March 20)
Avoid friendships that do not respect your creativity and originality.

 As a Pisces, you are inspired by the world around you and enjoy deep discussions with close friends.

 You value your friends' genuine interest in your life and feel slighted by those who are superficial and selfish.

 You seek friendships that value your individuality and support you in your creative endeavors.

The friendship that healed my heart

 A few years ago, I received a patient named Julia, a 35-year-old woman who was going through a period of pain and disillusionment in her love life.

 Julia, a passionate and devoted Scorpio, had suffered a painful breakup with her partner and felt completely lost.

 During our sessions, Julia shared with me her past experiences and her fears about the future.

 We talked about how her zodiac sign influenced her relationships and choice of friendships.

 It was then that I remembered an anecdote I had read in a book about astrology and relationships.

 In that book, it was mentioned that Scorpios were known for their emotional intensity and their need for deep, authentic connections.

 However, it also said that they sometimes tended to avoid superficial friendships or people who were not willing to give themselves completely.

 Inspired by this information, I shared with Julia a story from a motivational talk I had witnessed, where the speaker mentioned the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who support us and push us to grow.

 I told her that, like her, many people are drawn to intense and meaningful friendships, but sometimes, we forget that we also need balance in our relationships.

 I told her about a friend of mine, also a Scorpio, who had gone through a similar experience.

 She used to look for friendships with whom she could go deeper emotionally, but one day she realized that she also needed light and fun friendships.

 That's when she met a person, a Gemini, who taught her to enjoy life in a more carefree way and gave her an emotional balance she didn't know she needed.

 The story resonated with Julia, who reflected on her own friendships and realized that she had been avoiding people who could offer her that balance in her life.

 From that point on, we began to work on her ability to open up to new friendships and learn to value the different energies that each of them can bring.

 Over time, Julia was able to build a circle of friendships that provided deep emotional support, but also fun and lightness when she needed it.

 Gradually, she healed her heart and found balance in both her love and friendship relationships.

 This experience taught me that it is important to recognize our emotional needs and not limit ourselves in our friendships.

 Sometimes the people we least expect can come into our lives to teach us valuable lessons and help us in our personal growth process.

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