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How to improve the couple: Libra woman and Virgo man

Encounter on the road to communication  During one of my couples therapy sessions, I met Laura, a Libra woman, and Martin, a Virgo man. Their relationship was...
Author: Alegsa

  1. Encounter on the road to communication
  2. How to improve this love bond
  3. Virgo and Libra sexual compatibility

Encounter on the road to communication

 During one of my couples therapy sessions, I met Laura, a Libra woman, and Martin, a Virgo man. Their relationship was at a critical point and they were both looking for ways to improve it.

 The main difficulty they were facing was a lack of effective communication. Laura tended to express her emotions openly and spontaneously, while Martin was more reserved and analytical. This led to constant misunderstandings and a growing sense of disconnect between them.

 My initial approach was to help them understand the strengths of their zodiac sign and how to use them to improve their relationship. I explained that, as a Libra woman, Laura had a natural ability to mediate and find balance in conflicting situations. On the other hand, Martin, as a Virgo man, was meticulous and rational, which allowed him to analyze situations in detail.

 With this in mind, I proposed a communication exercise I called "The Path of Understanding". I asked them to try to find specific moments to communicate effectively for a week.

 Each day, Laura would have to choose a time when she felt emotionally unstable and, instead of expressing her feelings directly, she would first try to find a balanced approach and consider how her words might affect Martin.

 In the meantime, Martin needed to practice listening and putting himself in Laura's shoes before responding. This required him to curb his tendency to criticize or overanalyze, and to focus on acknowledging and validating his partner's emotions.

 In the next session, they both shared their experiences. Laura mentioned that she had found a new way to communicate, expressing her feelings in a calmer and more reflective manner. This, in turn, allowed Martin to listen to her without feeling overwhelmed and, in turn, to find common ground to solve problems.

 Martin expressed his surprise at discovering how much he had been missing out by not listening empathetically. This new form of communication gave them the opportunity to connect more deeply and understand each other.

 As we progressed through therapy, Laura and Martin continued to practice these communication techniques. They began to value each other's differences and work together to find balance in their relationship.

 Ultimately, this experience taught them that effective communication is the foundation of any loving relationship. Through their commitment to understanding and supporting each other's needs, Laura and Martin strengthened their bond and built a solid foundation for a nurturing, loving relationship.

How to improve this love bond

 The relationship between Libra and Virgo has a good love compatibility, although it is not perfect. There can be ups and downs and deep crises, so it is important to establish a solid foundation from the beginning to avoid problems later on.

 As time passes, it is common for couples to experience changes in their relationship and wonder what happened. Routine and boredom can affect the initial passion. It is critical that both partners strive to keep the flame of desire and emotional connection alive. Exploring new fantasies and communicating sexual needs and desires without selfishness is essential.

 However, it is important to remember that a lasting and happy relationship needs more than a good sex life. You need to find common interests and activities that allow you to enjoy and grow together. Trying new and exciting things, such as playing sports or cultivating a shared hobby, can help you get out of a rut.

 As for the individual characteristics of each sign, the Libra woman appreciates receiving affection and romanticism in adequate doses, although sometimes she may deny it. On the other hand, Virgo should take care to think before acting, as unthoughtful mistakes can affect the relationship.

 On the other hand, it is common that in long-term relationships between Libra and Virgo, the tendency to run away or deny the problems appears. This does nothing to help resolve conflicts. Both should practice sincerity and address problems openly to avoid accumulating resentments that could eventually lead to a breakup.

 Dialogue is key to improving the bond between Libra and Virgo. Never keep quiet about a problem or something that bothers, it is always important to address conflicts in a constructive and civilized manner. Hiding problems only contributes to accumulating tensions that could explode with worse consequences in the future.

Virgo and Libra sexual compatibility

 Sexual compatibility between Virgo and Libra can present some challenges. Virgo is an Earth sign, ruled by Mercury, which implies a focus on knowledge and a somewhat reserved attitude toward sex. On the other hand, Libra is an Air sign, ruled by Venus, which makes it more open and looking for love and cooperation.

 It is possible for both signs to frustrate each other, as Virgo tends to be obsessive about perfection and may fear passionate sexual contact, while Libra seeks a more emotional connection and seeks to really convey themselves. Often, there can be a lack of mutual attraction and, when sexually involved, there can be a challenge in synchronizing their rhythms. Virgo prefers to move at a gradual pace due to their adaptable nature, which is not always compatible with the speed Libra may prefer. It is possible to find a middle ground when Libra adopts Saturn's influence and becomes more reserved, while Virgo adapts and changes a bit more quickly. However, even if they find a way to coordinate, both may feel dissatisfied.

 Virgo may have expectations of a fantasy-filled sexual connection when seeing Libra, but may encounter differences in the way their partner approaches sex. Libra's confidence is not prone to over-analysis and may see Virgo as exhausting, rigid and careless in terms of emotions. For this relationship to work, both of you will need to work on communicating and organizing your feelings together.

 However, if you can overcome these obstacles, you will be able to experience a more satisfying connection and fulfill each other sexually. Remember that compatibility is not entirely determined by astrological signs, but also by individual attitudes and efforts in the relationship.

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Today's horoscope: Libra
Today's horoscope: Virgo

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