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The sexuality of the Leo sign: Leo essentials in bed

Sex with a Leo: the facts, what turns you on and what doesn't turn you on...
14-07-2022 14:22

Because they are under the patronage of the Sun, Leo natives have a natural radiance and attraction that seems to have no end.

People gather around you like bees flock to a flower in bloom, just to get a little of that heavenly energy.

Evidently, with such a royal upbringing, Leos have a characteristic disposition to remain in the limelight and enjoy everyone's attention.

As far as intimate matters are concerned, as long as it fully satisfies them, it doesn't matter what actually happens. Whether it is about being dominated, domination, BDSM or other kinky techniques, everything is allowed.

Although a Leo may not be the most resourceful and creative individual around, Sagittarians, with their dynamic attitude, and even self-confident Arians, can unleash their innate lust and sexual skills.

Moreover, this native will never back down when he is focused on something. Veni, vidi, vici. Just like that, a Leo imagines a goal and goes for it, without wasting any more time.

What a Leo craves most when it comes to unfulfilled desires is a combination of theatrical acting and voyeurism. Thus, their enormous ego gets a big boost when everyone watches and is amazed at the skills and magnificence on display.

Unlike Cancers, for whom sex has no special meaning other than the satisfaction of biological instincts, Leo's have a totally different perspective.

This time, everything has to happen according to a script, or in a peculiar context, with certain factors that make it unusual.

More than the mere quenching of a primitive thirst, sex is a sporting thing, a spectacle to which not everyone is invited and of which only a few can know.

Leo natives can reach such a level of satisfaction that a partner becomes an obligatory presence in their lives.

Therefore, these sexual cravings can only be overcome by that person. To keep these natives attentive and focused, you must constantly try to reinvent yourself and bring new things to the table. Also, one thing must be made clear.

A Leo naturally feels the need to shine like a diamond and dazzle everyone with his or her splendour, and this should come as no surprise to the partner. After all, there is nothing you can do about it, it is the fate of being born a Leo.

Conflicting feelings

Targeting a Leo is a sure plan for a happy and rewarding relationship, but there are some conditions. You can't expect him to accept just any deal. Only the best can make it all worthwhile.

Just as a Leo can have great self-esteem and tremendous confidence in what they do, their sexual lust also stands out when compared.

And the way to incite their enthusiasm and make their blood boil is to play the role of prey, acting all helpless and innocent in the face of a powerful predator. It will also help to say a word of praise here and there.

Talking about how he has smashed and penetrated you with his arrow of love will do wonders and further that goal.

Of course, victory is only sweet if the battle has been hard fought, so don't even think of admitting defeat at the outset. Fight as if your life were at stake. Only by showing unwillingness and audacity will it all seem real enough.

Dramatic events are basically an everyday occurrence for a Leo, and it is not only a routine, but also the fuel for that immense sexual drive and inexhaustible spirit.

Given their interest in sentimental conflicts and tragic events, it is not surprising that Leo natives tend to overreact when they see their partner talking to another man. Everything seems to be a flirtation or a romantic discussion, so jealousy and possibly even contempt enter the picture.

As in a competitive game, it is them or the other, life or death, victory or defeat. Obviously, they are unwilling to accept that another hunter has appeared, and will do everything in their power to put an end to it.

There is a small difference between being in a relationship just for show, and a bonding experience in which a lot of effort, time and pain has been invested.

Moreover, a Leo native will not just take everything for granted and play the game in easy mode. On the contrary, everything must be at the top of their game, especially their sex life.

The other side

Of course, this native can be your most faithful confidant and your most affectionate lover if, and it's a big "if", all goes well and the deal lives up to his or her expectations.

And we're not even talking about the possibility of deception coming into play, because if that happens, expect the wrath of the gods to fall upon you. Things will get ugly, and that's a fact that nothing can change.

Revenge almost always consists of what was done to them, only exponentially worse. The characteristic deviance of a Leo is evident there.

Indisputably, the best match for this type of individual is the sexual demon that Aries represents.

Always dissatisfied and wanting more, he never has enough and always longs for a little more, several times if possible.

So, in the process of making an Aries native happy, Leos will tend to put aside any kind of arrogance or conceited attitude. What follows is basically a masterpiece full of memorable moments that is anyone's wet dream.

Did you just ask how to recognise a Leo native? Actually, it's quite simple. He is the one who always calls the shots and abides by almost no rules, as he takes the world by storm. In intimacy, he is either a complete and utter success, or he is nothing.

Basically, a Leo is impressed the moment he shows the initiative and starts the attack immediately. If he keeps up that pace, it is a promise that the king will not forget to show his appreciation.

Being the most driven and confident of all the other zodiac signs, Leo natives are ultimately feral animals who like nothing more than to enjoy life to the fullest. Everything else is secondary and unimportant.

People who cannot keep up with the dynamic pace imposed by them will suffer, directly or indirectly. The best way to get one of these guys to notice you is to show that you are more than just talk. Action and initiative are highly appreciated.

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