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Signs that a Leo man likes you

Spoiler alert: your Leo man likes you when he brags about his achievements and wants to solve all your problems....
13-07-2022 18:19

  1. Top 10 signs that a Leo likes you
  2. How to find out if your Leo likes you
  3. Texting with your sweetheart
  4. Are you falling in love?
  5. Do your homework

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The Leo man is one of the easiest to spot, because he is naturally direct, passionate and unbridled, so be sure that he will not hesitate to express his interest from the start.

Top 10 signs that a Leo likes you

1) Brag about your achievements.

2) He shouts it out to the world (yes, he's that bold).

3) He sends you text messages with updates about himself and his feelings.

4) He wants to feel responsible for your happiness.

5) Desires physical contact, but not the naughty kind.

6) It takes you for long walks.

7) He wants to give you all the pleasure in the world.

8) He is very tender and affectionate in his texts.

9) He wants his space but always comes back to you.

10) Has a proud and determined flirting style

He is a very energetic and involved man who will treat you like the queen you deserve.

Leo men will tell you that they love you from the moment they know it themselves and they will prove it with their every act and gesture, and they will shout it out for the world to know it too.

How could these attention seekers act if not in a totally self-centred and ostentatious way? The essence here is to let the Leo take control of the situation, but not before they put all their skills to the test, just to win you over, since you haven't let yourself go easily either.

How to find out if your Leo likes you

All you have to do is let the Leo man know that you are open and interested, and he will do the rest, from the first step to the last.

Being the radiant astrological sign ruled by the Sun, he is naturally a very enthusiastic, intense and passionate individual for whom nothing is too much, especially if it means satisfying his enormous ego.

And for now, what his ego wants most of all is to make you, as a whole, fall in love with him, to make you the happiest woman on the planet. Knowing that he is responsible for your happiness would feed his ego immensely.

As you would expect, the Leo man is going to be extremely direct and confident in his approach, and will have no problem approaching you and making his move.

Be prepared for him to treat you the way you've always dreamed of, in a regal manner, take you out to dinner in the evening and then, like the gentleman he is, escort you home.

Then, you may be faced with the moment that will decide the course of the entire relationship. Don't let him get what he wants on the first date, because he's the type who wants a challenge.

He doesn't feel grateful for having won you over so easily. The high of the hunt is the best feeling in the world, and he's a Leo, so go figure!

Has anyone ever told you that Leo natives are not the type to take things slowly, with tenderness and affection? Well, they certainly aren't that type, not at all.

Well, they can be very tender and affectionate, but that's only after they have completely won you over, and that stage is not at all very relaxing and peaceful.

Rather, it is thrilling, stunning and satisfying to the max, because this native will fascinate you with his techniques and his down-to-earth approach. When he decides he wants to do something, there is no stopping him, and that applies to your relationship too.

Being a very sociable and communicative person, the Leo man will always find himself surrounded by people, whether he's having a beer with his mates in a bar, cooking a steak in his backyard, having cool people around, or just going on a picnic with you, if that's what you want too.

The advice is to try not to read too much into his social activities, because he may still be in love with you but decide to spend a whole weekend away from you, just with his friends.

Texting with your sweetheart

Understandably, Leo men don't like texting as much, simply because they don't have the same freedom and opportunity to do their own thing, as opposed to having you in front of them.

Yes, you know what we're talking about. They prefer to talk to you up front about what they want from this relationship, and that is permanence, a stable marriage, healthy children, as many as possible, for the rest of time.

And it's not that they are that barbaric and domineering from the beginning, no, that's just the main essence, their final plan.

But in the meantime, if you really want them to, they will play the romantic game splendidly, and make you feel that they really like you, even when they are far away from you.

Of course you text each other, but only when there is no other option, when you are both busy with work, or can't meet for some other reason. Otherwise, it's the two of you talking face-to-face, anytime, anywhere.

Are you falling in love?

This question is really useless when talking about the Leo man, because it is literally impossible not to notice that he has fallen in love with someone, or at least that he is interested in meeting someone else.

Very passionate and vibrant in his approach, he will take you by the hand as he takes you for a walk in the park, while telling you stories of how he once defeated a bear with his bare hands.

He won't miss an opportunity to show off and feed his ego, even when he's with you, so get that out of your head from the start, you won't be able to avoid this behaviour.

Anyway, this is one of the reasons why most people like him, that exaggerated confidence and self-centred attitude. Besides, the Leo native is extremely determined, and as far as he is concerned, if you are his future wife and the mother of his children, you will find out soon enough.

Do your homework

First of all, this guy is a gentleman to the core, so he knows exactly how to treat his wife, to make her feel like a spoilt child, even if not in a negative sense. With affection and love, he brings immense joy into her life.

Secondly, you must get used to the fact that he will want to touch you often, and to keep you close to him permanently.

He wants to feel that you are there, to hold you in his embrace, to cuddle with you whenever possible and, of course, to make passionate love to you.

The Leo man is the very definition of a gentleman, as we have said before, but not just any kind of gentleman. Indeed, while he will try to protect you at all times, and will even open the door for you to enter first, he will also be quite uninhibited and unrestrained when in private.

He will be quite a generous and romantic partner, as he will not look at money if he wants to buy you something. Expect him to give you lots of gifts, and they may be little things you wanted, like a nice bracelet or necklace, or a locket with a picture of him, to remind you of him whenever you are apart.

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  • The Leo man likes me, when is he going to kiss me?

    How exciting that you have the idea that a Leo man likes you! ? Leos are famous romantics and exuberant personalities, so it could be a fun and thrilling time for you. Here are some signs that he is interested in you and may take a step further soon:

    1. Attention: Leo men love to attract and give attention. If he spends a lot of time with you and often compliments you, that's a good sign! ?

    2. Flirting: If he touches you or uses playful teasing, it could mean he is attracted to you. Pay attention to his body language; Leos tend to get close when they feel comfortable. ?

    3. Initiative: Look for hints that he is taking initiative, such as planning dates or activities together. Leos love to take the lead! ?

    4. These signals: If he introduces you to friends or family, he sees you as someone special. This is usually a clear indication that he wants to take your relationship further. ?

    What do you think about these signals? Does it feel good between you? Do you have any idea when you think this might happen? ?

I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

Today's horoscope: Leo

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