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How to attract a Gemini woman: Top tips to make her fall in love with you

The type of man she wants in her life and how to seduce him....
Author: Alegsa

  1. You need an eloquent partner
  2. What to avoid with your Gemini wife
  3. What to look out for in the Gemini woman

1) Be a fun partner.

2) Show that you are reliable.

3) Keep them interested.

4) Be adventurous, but not brainless.

5) Don't be critical.

Despite her naturally playful side, a Gemini woman will never engage in games that endanger her own heart. This means you should employ a more intellectual approach when trying to seduce her.

After all, this is what drives a Gemini woman, it is the source of both her strength and her beauty. What will make your initial conversation even more key is the fact that she talks fast and thinks fast. You have to grab her attention quickly, otherwise you will just be one more person in a crowd of people.

You can speak directly to her adventurous side by keeping her on edge the whole time. Standard dinner and movie dates will bore her; instead, think of ways to surprise her and stimulate her brain.

This is a much higher priority for a Gemini woman than someone who can please her sexually. Simple, meaningless conversations are a single ticket out of her life, whoever you are.

If there were a phrase that sums up how Gemini women live their lives, it would be "variety is the spice of life".

Use this when you go out with her, try something new every day. It's always better to try something and find out what she doesn't like, than to stick to the mundane. She needs someone who is exciting, innovative and unpredictable.

The Gemini woman possesses an energy rarely found in other signs. This helps her to make you feel relaxed and at ease. However, she watches you constantly, taking mental notes on how you are.

While this is not enough to say that it is judgmental, it is enough to ensure that the first impression you make is the best one you have.

Attract the woman with an attractive, deep and mysterious conversation, as this will show your intelligence and wit.

Gemini women are some of the most cerebral women around, so conversations about disturbing and meaningful topics are sure to capture her attention. If she's under the impression that you're smarter than her, you're more than halfway there.

Much less effort should be expended on trying to appear physically attractive. Their opinion of you will be determined more or less by the words that come out of your mouth than by the price of the watch on your wrist.

Focus on being funny and entertaining to speak to the inner child of her personality, but also be witty and clever to keep her on her toes.

Settling into a single routine is one of the worst things you can do with a Gemini woman. She was born to spread her wings and fly, so you should actively strive to do different things and talk about different subjects.

This does not mean that you should jump erratically from one thing to another, but show your knowledge and enthusiasm for a wide selection of areas.

It is essential that you do not overwhelm or suffocate a Gemini woman with your presence. She needs her own time and space to be herself and cannot play second fiddle to anyone else.

You need an eloquent partner

Listening to any woman is important, whoever she is. However, this is doubly true for Gemini women. Simply put, she talks... a lot. It doesn't help that she can also talk about almost anything.

With this in mind, your initial contact should focus on appealing to their intellect, but at the same time you should be reserved and aloof, creating an aura of mystery around you.

Painting the picture of your mind or articulating yourself eloquently will suit her very well. As already mentioned, she is also a keen observer, taking in everything around her, for enjoyment and awareness alike.

Add to this the use of your own life experiences, as this will show that you too are well versed in the many varieties that life has to offer.

This keen sense of observation also means that he prefers to sit outdoors in a café on a bustling side street, rather than at a table in the corner of a secluded bistro.

Because Geminis are so cerebral by nature, they often have problems with periodic lapses in mood. Your mental attitude will have a big impact on her.

It will ask you to help it discover new currents and spread its wings once more.

Being an Air sign, the Gemini woman is very adaptable, which goes hand in hand with her experimental side.

Of course, this also applies to their sex life: the Gemini woman gives priority to the fun side of sex rather than the spiritual aspect and never takes it too seriously.

When it comes down to it, Gemini women are no different from any other woman: they are looking to settle down with Mr. Right. It's just that this particular sign may take longer to get to this stage, and they prefer it that way too.

They are much more attracted to men who dabble in the more fun things in life before diving into the deep feelings. With this in mind, keep the relationship casual, light and playful. Don't worry about needing to make big displays of emotion and intimacy too soon, as she is not looking for it.

The Gemini woman cannot be tied down and will walk away from anyone who thinks they can keep her under lock and key.

Giving her space is vitally important. This will require you to trust her, especially given her wit and energy when talking to others, but it is really the only option.

Forcing any level of possessive control over her will only repel her. Trust her and yourself, give things time and you will soon reap the rewards.

Depending on whom you ask, some astrologers do not doubt the loyalty of a Gemini woman when she is in a relationship. On the other hand, some astrologers say that Gemini women are very faithful when they are with a strong and confident man.

But keep in mind that if you're only there to flirt lightly, your Gemini woman won't have much trouble keeping up, as she knows too well what the game is about to be outdone.

What to avoid with your Gemini wife

By nature, Gemini women feel intensely and have strong emotions. If you find yourself in possession of her heart, you will feel an attachment to her that is rarely found elsewhere. Unfortunately, a by-product of this attachment is jealousy, greed and expectations.

Often she won't mind if you talk to one of your friends, but just as the wind changes direction at the drop of a hat, she can also get furious if your attention goes elsewhere.

He can also be demanding, and tends to fall into a negative mindset when his demands are not met.

With this in mind, dramas should be avoided. Gemini women worry easily and like to keep an emotional distance if matters go beyond their comfort levels.

While you don't have to feel like you're walking on eggshells, don't obsess over the small details. Instead, take each event as it comes and let crises take their natural course.

Gemini women love change and embrace impulsiveness. Messiness is not a problem for her. Try not to get frustrated or impatient about it, as it's just who she is.

Rather, try to enjoy the ever-changing landscape, knowing that no two days will ever be the same with a Gemini woman.

You should also avoid making overly flattering comments, or getting too affectionate with her. She is not gullible. She can easily read people and will know right away if there is truth behind your words or if they are empty.

It's not difficult to live with a Gemini girl. You just have to give her space to be. Even in a long-term, committed relationship, she will rarely want to spend every minute of every day with you.

This is not a problem, but it will soon become one if you try to impose this lifestyle on her. Any attempt to tie her down will make her anxious, restless and uncomfortable. Set her free and she will come straight back into your arms when the day is over.

You have to match their mood, energy and ingenuity to keep up with their pace and meet their intellectual needs.

Being mercurial, she will always be distracted and curious about everything. Her attention wanders from place to place, so you should be delighted that she has such an avid interest in a wide variety of things.

That is why you should refrain from being easy to read in front of her. This does not mean that you cannot be 100% sincere with her, but that you should maintain an aura of mysticism about yourself.

Make you a book she never wants to put down because she can't predict what will come next. This need for constant change is what drives her.

What to look out for in the Gemini woman

Strong-headed, determined and adventurous: Gemini women possess all these characteristics in abundance and will only keep company with intelligent, well-prepared men who can keep up with them.

Naturally, Geminis are not particularly emotional signs, although as a woman she will feel deeply, even if she approaches them in a somewhat superficial way.

Given his proactive, no-nonsense attitude, he is unlikely to stay with a partner for long if that partner cannot satisfy his emotional and intellectual needs.

That said, by their very nature, Gemini women are not born to be in relationships; after all, they are an Air sign and their wings are made to fly, not to be tethered and cut off from the world.

However, this unpredictability means that she can show her great maturity one moment and, the next, display the tenacity of a curious child. Predicting her next move is a somewhat futile endeavour, so you are much more likely to spend your time wondering what she will do next.

The Gemini sign is the boss of words, but this does not mean that they talk for days on end. Her words have to mean something. If she chats incessantly, it is usually out of a need to be acknowledged. Even then, this attention must be given in a way that is both meaningful and distant: she needs to feel the vibrations of everything around her beyond the mere confines of her mind.

Catching the heart of a Gemini woman is no easy feat, so be prepared for a big challenge if you set your mind to it. Her friendliness and talkative traits are part of her character and should not be mistaken for a sign that she is interested in you.

Their natural tendency to flirt is just one of many characteristics that could mislead you, even if they don't mean to.

He is looking for someone equally energetic and active, in an attempt to save himself and keep his mind stimulated from the monotony and boredom of everyday life.

That's why Gemini women love to travel, whether it's a simple trip from A to B or from one country to another.

Exploring new sights, ingesting new cultures and meeting new people are all part of their personality. During these endeavours, it is more than likely that your charm and energy will break a few hearts along the way.

This process is essentially mirrored when she tries to find a partner: she will keep looking until she finds her man. But when she finds him, she will want total and complete loyalty. In return, you will also have his total and complete loyalty.

However, as mentioned above, his natural curiosity makes him easily disengaged, although this should not be interpreted as disloyalty: he just wants to scratch the itch of exploration.

Any insecurity shown by your man will be met with full but limited sympathy. Gemini is a mutable sign by nature, he can adapt to you whenever he wants, but it is vital that he also has his own space to be his own person.

Ultimately, she is looking for a partner who can be her best friend, lover and spiritual mentor... all at the same time. In fact, it's a rare mix: if you want to capture the heart of a Gemini woman, you'll need to be as close to the perfect man as possible.

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Today's horoscope: Gemini

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