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How to seduce a Gemini man from A to Z

Find out how to make your Gemini man fall in love with you and what to look out for....
Author: Alegsa

  1. Seduce your Gemini man with these 5 top tips:
  2. Chat him into submission
  3. Tips for seducing your Gemini man
  4. What you face

Most Gemini men are basically the same when it comes to romance, as they are of the same mould. Similar personality and character, if you know the basic characteristics of this astrological sign, then you have what it takes to seduce any of these deep intellectuals you meet.

Speaking of which, they are very flexible when it comes to love relationships, sex life and matters of the heart. They will never play the role of the obsessive partner, and will also try to be as understanding as possible.

Seduce your Gemini man with these 5 top tips:

1) Show your adventurous side step by step.

2) Show your creativity with romantic surprises.

3) Don't rush to make it exclusive.

4) He will love an outspoken and daring woman.

5) Take part in relaxing hobbies.

Chat him into submission

Geminis are one of the most emotionally empathetic people, and you'll feel like you've just found the perfect man, because these natives will always try to offer you a shoulder to cry on.

They will always be present in the moment, they will support and encourage their partners to overcome certain problems, to become the best they could be, as well as to achieve their dreams.

However, just as they are very complex in this respect, they are also very unpredictable, unstable and have a tendency to pack up and leave at the drop of a hat. Or it may be that they have become bored. In any case, it is a very risky relationship.

Gemini men are intellectual, knowledge-seeking, curious individuals who like to explore the world and find out what makes it tick.

For that reason, they tend to travel all over the world, going just about anywhere they feel like it. So, if you happen to be a free-spirited, adventurous spirit yourself, they may be an ideal match.

Just bring up this topic, about what you've seen on a recent trip to the pyramids, and you'll see their eyes light up like a Christmas tree, slowly open their mouths and look at you with wide eyes. Congratulations, you've got their attention, now it's time to do your thing.

However, even if you haven't travelled that much, or don't show much interest in it, that doesn't mean there aren't more opportunities.

Of course there are, and all you have to do is listen to them talk, because they will shriek and shriek about anything you can think of.

Just wait a bit, choose a comfortable topic and try to dazzle them with your knowledge. It's a win-win situation for everyone, as they get to know you better.

It is to make them really interested in someone who can speak and has both the knowledge and the ability to address deep issues.

The most important thing is that you never try to limit a Gemini man's freedom of action and thought, because they hate it from the bottom of their heart.

They are free-spirited thinkers who desire nothing more than to be able to roam the world, physically or intellectually, and curtailing this desire will only lead to catastrophe and disaster.

A relationship, a family, children? Don't even think about all these things, because they won't want to go there anyway if you are so possessive and hasty.

So, if their partners want a happy and comfortable life together, they should be open-minded, accepting and tolerant of their eccentricity and flexibility.

These natives are very innovative and creative individuals who are constantly looking for new things. They are quite hateful of routine and fixed schedules, as well as easily bored with one-sided people who never change.

So try to be as flexible and spontaneous as possible. Have new ideas every day, tell them about them, plan a new trip, make some changes in the house, it doesn't really matter as long as they notice that you have that instinct, that sense of change.

Things tend to become homogenised and lose their artistic value over time, so they have to be replaced or brought into the present.

Tips for seducing your Gemini man

With Gemini men, you have to bring out the big guns and play very patiently and calmly. Therefore, you must learn to open up and communicate a lot with them.

They love their partners to be talkative, to say exactly what they think, what they feel about certain things, because they don't like to use their intuition to find out. Also, speaking of talking, it should also be clear that Gemini men love a good conversation or debate, with arguments, complex and complicated ideas to support a certain topic.

So as well as being open and affectionate in general, you should try to be as spontaneous and adaptable as possible when they want to have that hour-long discussion about the nature of the world. They will really go crazy with anticipation if they see that their partner enjoys it.

The negative aspects of seduction in Gemini

Geminis have many faces, and most of them are linked to their likes and dislikes about what they consider to be the ideal partner.

Therefore, they are the non-conformist type, so don't even think you're going to convince them to submit their innovative taste to the musty, dusty traditions that most people have.

They will do things their own way, or not at all. In addition, their highly animated nature makes it impossible for quiet, overly calm individuals to survive in their environment. Those who cannot laugh from time to time, or give in to their playfulness, are best kept away.

What you face

It would be a big mistake to look for emotional security in a Gemini man, because they are very unstable and changeable individuals who could undergo a 180-degree transformation overnight.

Rather, try to develop along the way, so that they do not perceive you as an obstacle in their way.

Be communicative, talkative, cheerful and enthusiastic, and they, in turn, will make some compromises to make it all fit together.

However, it is disputed whether this native really knows what true love is, judging by his energetic and agitated personality.

The real problem lies not in seducing and making this native become a passionate admirer, but in what happens after the initial stages.

OK, you can have a dating relationship, but you have to keep in mind that he won't be satisfied with this formal categorisation, and if it doesn't offer him enough excitement and adventure, he will leave just as quickly.

This unstable character will always be a problem, but there is, however, one case in which these reflexes are somewhat dulled.

If the couple is truly searching for their own heart and soul, in the sense that there are many similarities and commonalities between them, then there is likely to be something permanent.

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Today's horoscope: Gemini

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