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How to attract a Pisces woman: Top tips to make her fall in love with you

The type of man she wants in her life and how to seduce him....
13-09-2021 20:10

  1. Striking the right balance
  2. What to avoid with your Pisces woman
  3. What you should keep in mind about the Pisces woman

1. It feeds their ego.

2. Always be a gentleman.

3. Show that you share their beliefs.

4. Be as dreamy as she is.

5. Don't pressure her into anything.

 Your Pisces woman wants someone who is not afraid to show her emotional side, as she is a romantic at heart.

With this in mind, more traditional gestures of affection, such as romantic meals, love letters that resemble poetry, and showing that you can protect her, suit her very well.

His belief in a quasi-fantasy romance means that he will succumb to genuine acts of affection, and on a regular basis!

Remember that she longs for a dream relationship in which nothing else in the world is relevant, and part of idealistic world-building is to show her that she is the only woman in your life.

She is also attracted to those who look good, so make an effort to look your best. Don't forget to laugh and give her time to talk too.

Our Pisces woman is looking for a true gentleman, so it's time to show her that chivalry is not dead. Manners and courtesy are very important in this case.

His ability to read between the lines means he will watch, so the importance of being well-dressed and presentable is even greater.

Her natural girlish characteristics mean that any offer to throw off the shackles of everyday responsibility for one night is unlikely to be refused.

That said, you will need to make the first move, as she may seem reserved or shy at first. This is where your sense of humour comes in, as it helps to reassure her and loosen her up a bit. She will appreciate it and enjoy the laughs.

The centre of a Pisces woman's existence is her imagination. Her dreams define her life, as she seeks to make them come true. Show her that you will be a part of it and help create that world too.

Sharing your visions and fantasies is one thing, but you will also have to show him that you have your own goals as well, as this helps to give him the basis for a solid relationship.

This is where letting her talk comes in: she will tell you about her imagination once she lets you in, and you need to listen. This is especially important, as she will basically be telling you what makes her tick and wants to know how you can help her.

Naturally, our Pisces lady will also want the same from you, and will expect you to open up to your own feelings, both on a conscious and subconscious level. Connecting in an emotional, almost dreamlike state helps to draw her to you.

Striking the right balance

Your Pisces woman will be in a deep state of mind most of the time. Therefore, it is essential that you give her the time and space to give herself to it and connect with the energies and vibrations of the world.

This is something that is deeply rooted in their personality, so if you don't necessarily share their beliefs, it is advisable to avoid disrespecting their way of thinking.

At times like this, it is best to leave her alone, as she needs space to be with her imagination and to let it run wild.

Striking the perfect balance between being the chivalrous and protective gentleman when she needs you to be, and letting her be on her own when she wants to is more than half the job.

As mentioned above, your Pisces woman may be closed off at first, showing shyness and reluctance to talk. Asking her meaningful questions about her life, without prying, is a great way to get her started in the conversation.

Whatever their response, it is very important that you are warm and accommodating. She needs to know that you won't disrespect her and that you're not the kind of person who judges people. While this helps to bring her out of her shell, you will also need to be just as open.

Massaging a Pisces woman's ego is one way to help her get closer to you. This is due to her low self-confidence, so she looks for someone who makes her feel good about herself.

The first step to achieving this is to be bold and confident. This conveys a sense of authority, giving credibility to your voice. The second is to flatter her: all Pisces women are prone to flattery. She wants someone who is part of her dreams, so flatter her fantasies she tells you about.

Needless to say, there is also a balance to be struck between complimenting and exaggerating: his keen eye for detail means that he will pick up on any insincere remarks, even if they are made with the best of intentions.

She needs the support and stability of her partner many times, partly because of her insecurity. Understanding this is the key to building something meaningful with a Pisces woman. Remember that her sign belongs to the Water element, she needs the support of a surrounding presence to settle and take shape.

Women belonging to this particular sign are affectionate and passionate, more so than any other sign. She likes her man to show these same qualities, though not to the point where he is more than she is.

However, showing compassion and humility helps her a lot. Sometimes she can be a little clumsy or impractical: learn to love these qualities in her and show her that you are a patient man who can take charge when necessary.

From then on, you will know that he will have your back when you yourself go through difficult times, although he will not always be the most helpful person to solve problems. This is not his fault, it is just a by-product of his character.

What she will offer you, however, is an outlet for you to release whatever it is that is troubling you. The more you open up, the more attention she will show. It goes without saying that being in touch with your own emotions is an important part of winning her heart.

What to avoid with your Pisces woman

Pressuring a Pisces woman is a single ticket to driving her away. What you will get instead is panic and fear. Don't let her timid nature make you think she can be easily controlled. On the contrary, she can't be controlled, so don't try.

Although she is deeply passionate and intense, she is also emotionally sensitive and easily offended. You must be careful not to upset her, as she is not likely to forget those who have hurt her.

If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, it will be very difficult to get her to open up to you again.

It is not entirely out of character for her to hold a grudge, so be very careful what words come out of your mouth: she will hold you responsible for anything you say that upsets her.

Hand in hand with this is the way you deal with your own shortcomings. Cancelling meetings or appointments should not be taken personally: remember that she is caring and sensitive, so she would never do it on purpose.

While this can be frustrating (she can get confused quite easily), it is important not to be too hard on her, as this will only serve to damage her already low self-esteem. In time, this will only serve to push her away.

Since Pisces women tend to enjoy the lighter side of life, she doesn't want anyone who is too serious all the time.

That said, flirting is a big no-no. Her dreamy perception of romance means she prefers to be swept off her feet with a traditional gesture of love. For her, flirting is a sleazy way of attracting a woman who may even find it repulsive, so it's best to avoid any moves that are too bold.

What you should keep in mind about the Pisces woman

As a Water sign, the Pisces person is everything you would expect from this element: enigmatic, affectionate and deep beyond comprehension.

From day one she has been born with an artistic gift, using it as an outlet for the mystical side of her character. She is loving and sensitive, displaying some of the most emotional characteristics of any zodiac sign.

Her mysterious personality makes her naturally inquisitive and sometimes instinctive. She also has a tendency to prioritise others over herself, which can unfortunately be to her detriment.

Such is the mystery of your Pisces woman that she can sometimes be the life of the party, but she is also capable of being the silent assistant sitting in the corner at social events.

His affectionate side should not be mistaken for weakness: he is as strong-willed as anyone else and does not allow himself to be taken for a fool.

That said, she is aware of how sensitive she can be, so she does not necessarily commit unconditionally, as she almost anticipates heartbreak and does not want to be left broken.

The Pisces woman is very quick to read between the lines when it comes to a person's speech or behaviour.

As such, she'll know when you're being insincere and will quickly turn away if she gets the slightest hint of it. In fact, her naturally mystical aura makes it very easy to fall under her spell - and she knows it too.

Her deeply passionate personality can sometimes turn into a dependency on her partner's support, although the fact that she is such a good reader of people makes her very aware of when her man is reaching his limits.

One of the most important things for a Pisces woman is humour. She loves to laugh at both herself and others, and expects her man to be the same, although it must be said that her man should never laugh at her, only at himself and others.

Its jealous nature gives it an endearing quality, exhibiting beauty both inside and out.

There is nothing he likes more than the fact that everyone is at peace with each other, and he goes the extra mile to make sure you have a smile on your face. That said, his defences are always up when a potential love interest approaches.

He believes that everyone has a soul mate somewhere in the world, and when he feels he is with that person, nothing else matters.

Ultimately, this is where your Pisces woman longs to be: in an almost fantasy world where she is with her man in a sea of love, united forever.

Pisces ladies have an unmatched ability to manipulate members of the opposite sex like no other sign.

Her tender nature brings out an instinctive side present in every man to care for and protect his woman, while making him feel in control. However, the difference here is that our Pisces woman is very aware of what is going on.

Being a water sign, he can also mould and adapt to whatever he needs his man to be, with almost minimal effort.

Despite this, it still retains a mystical air that makes it incredibly desirable, but sometimes unattainable, simply because it is so difficult to understand.

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Today's horoscope: Pisces

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