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Don't fall in love with a Pisces

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because they won't be the one to hurt you and it will be you who will live with the guilt and pain if you ever let them go....
20-05-2020 01:26

Don't fall in love with a Pisces. They will be the type to touch you without even using their hands. They will be the type to understand without using words. They have the ability to read people better than anyone else. And you'll wonder how they know. It's a look. It's body language. It's the little things they pick up on that you don't even know about yourself.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces. Their sensitivity will bring you to your knees and you will suddenly become even more cautious and conscious of everything you say and do. They are the type who take things to heart and hurting them even a little will break your heart.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces. They will bring out the best in you and push you to achieve more than you ever thought you could. They come into your life and believe in you and your dreams so much that they make you want to achieve them.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because he will cure you. And you may not be ready for that. They will love you unconditionally no matter what you have to give. They don't keep score. They just give you their best, whether you deserve it or not. They will show you that the best way to get over someone is through the love someone else can give you. They don't ask you to move on or just be okay, they dig deep into the root of your pain and break your heart in some sympathetic way. And that is where they heal you. Walking through it, even if it hurts.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because they are the jealous type. They don't mean to be, but that's what they are. But it's in that jealousy that you'll realise how much they care about you.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because your mother will love them. Your father will tell you how different they are from the ones you have brought. Your sister will learn to love them as if they were part of the family. And if this ends, everyone will ask about them. Everyone will wonder how they are doing. Everyone will secretly wish they were back. Pisces not only touch the hearts of the people they love, they captivate everyone in their path.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because they will teach you to see the world differently. Things you used to walk by and see through, you'll find yourself stopping and appreciating the simplistic beauty. Things that never mattered to you, you will think about them and suddenly they will matter to you. Suddenly everything that matters to them will matter to you.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because they will redefine what you thought love was because the way they love is different. They won't ask much of you, but they will give you to a point where you will almost feel guilty.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because you will suddenly find yourself making a lot of irrational choices. They will teach you to follow your heart instead of your head. And when you look back on your life you'll realise that yes, playing it safe kept you on track, but only when you take risks are you really living.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because they will keep you up at night and you will learn that the best conversations are the ones after two in the morning. You will learn not to fear vulnerability when you tell them things you haven't even told yourself. You will wake up feeling guilty and they will drag you away and it will be at that moment that you realise they have broken through every wall you have ever had.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because you'll realise it's the little things you like about them. The way they whisper thank you when you hold their hand. The way they stop every dog in the street to pet them. The compassion they have for everyone and everything.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because they will be honest with you even when it hurts. And you will realise that you have never met a more genuine person.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because they will push you to try to keep up. They are driven and goal-oriented and when you ask them about their achievements, they don't think much about it. They just take a push to be a better version of themselves.

And there will be times when you wonder if you are good enough for them. In the meantime, they look at you thinking they are the lucky ones.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because they will teach you about patience and understanding. They overthink everything because they worry. They need to be reassured and praised constantly. They feel guilty for needing that, but that's who they are.

Their mind is racing a million miles an hour and the best thing you teach them by loving them is to relax, slow down and trust someone other than themselves.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because they will never give up on you. They will keep giving you chances until you prove they were right about you. Some people say they have bad judgement, but they look at everyone a little closer without judging anyone by what they see. Even they are not what they seem.

When you first met them they were probably shy and reserved, but underneath that was someone who cared deeply and wore their heart on their sleeve.

Don't fall in love with a Pisces because they won't be the one to hurt you and it will be you who will live with the guilt and pain if you ever let them go.

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Today's horoscope: Pisces

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