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How each Zodiac sign will get you out of their life

How each sign reacts differently to get someone out of their life: find out in this article what the most likely ways are....
20-05-2020 17:58

Aries: March 21 - April 19

If you push them a little too far, they will explode. They will have a heated argument with you and it will be the last time you hear from them.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

They will delete you from Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram. The first step to getting you out of their life is to remove you from every social media platform so they won't remember you every time they use the internet.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

They will do things on purpose to annoy you. They will try to convince you to leave first so that they don't take the blame.

Cancer: June 21st - July 22nd

They won't shut you out. They will keep you for much longer than they should, even if that means they will end up getting hurt over and over again.

Leo: 23 July - 22 August

They'll lie about being too busy to see you. They'll make up a million excuses about why they can't go out instead of admitting they never want to see your face again.

Virgo: 23 August - 22 September

They will respond to your messages, but stop sending the first text. They'll be there when you need them, but they'll reluctantly show up. Eventually, you'll get THE CLUE and stop trying to chase them.

Libra: 23 September - 22 October

At first, they will give you a second chance. Then, once you hurt them a second or third time, they will leave you behind no matter how much you ask them to stay.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

They hate deleting people, so they will keep you in their life, but only as a background character. They will only text you on holidays. They will only talk to you when they meet you. The rest of the time, you're dead to them.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

They will do everything in their power to avoid having a conversation with you. They will avoid you when they see you in person. They will change their phone number if they have to. They won't want to talk through their feelings. They will just want to be left alone.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

They will disappear like a ghost. They will delete you from all social media sites, ignore your posts, and act as if you never existed in the first place.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

They will send you a long text message or letter, explaining how you have hurt them. They will make sure they say everything they have to say - and get closure - before they leave.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

They will tell everyone but you how angry they are about what you have done. They won't come up to you and explain why they are upset, but you will hear it at some point.

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