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How to find the love you need in 2021, based on your zodiac sign

Mistakes you have made in 2020 and will have to make amends for in 2021 to find love, according to your zodiac sign....
20-05-2020 18:09


21 March - 19 April

Getting to know the ideal person you want.

In 2020, you fell in love with the wrong person and blindly followed your heart until it was too late. Everything fell apart because it was an incompatible match. In the New Year, promise yourself to think more rationally before starting something new with your love interest.


20 April - 20 May

Trusting your feelings.

In 2020, you were paralysed by insecurity and too scared to open your heart to someone new. You felt that love was a risk you couldn't take, especially with your broken heart still fresh in your mind. In the new year, promise yourself to listen to your heart because love is always worth the risk.


21 May - 20 June

Reinventing itself.

In 2020, you were stuck in a rut and were your own big obstacle to achieving what you wanted. You thought you knew what you wanted, but you didn't want to step out of your comfort zone. In the new year, take a leap of faith and be willing to work on yourself and face your challenges head on and you will find the love within you.


21 June - 22 July

Taking new risks.

In 2020, you clung to the past for dear life and remembered old lovers. You did not live fully in the present and took for granted what you had. In the New Year, celebrate how far you have come and embrace the present fully. Trust your judgement and most importantly your feelings because when you meet your person, you will know it.


23 July - 22 August

Staying on the ground.

In 2020, you followed your heart wildly and as a result, you immersed yourself in something you were not prepared for. You focused too much on how you feel instead of seeing the situation for what it really was. In the New Year, be more aware of your surroundings and refrain from trusting too easily until time and effort prove your sincerity and reveal your true intention.


23 August - 22 September

Learning to be spontaneous.

In 2020, you were too rational and let your mind guide you instead of going with the flow. You treated everything too seriously and became obsessed with the outcome instead of the more important thing of having fun. In the New Year, indulge in light activities with like-minded people, rejoice in the small moment and let love come to you naturally.


23 September - 22 October

Being firm in what you want.

In 2020, you were generous with your heart and gave many chances to people who were careless with yours. This caused you to stay in an "almost" relationship and get caught up in runaway romances. In the New Year, have the courage to let go of people who were not ready to give you what you need and have faith that the right one will come along.


23 October - 21 November

By focusing on yourself.

In 2020, you were indecisive and cautious when it came to the romantic aspect of your life. You were also overwhelmed with your other commitments and too distracted to focus on what you really need. In the new year, take a look at your life, make a conscious decision to do what's best for you and give love a chance when love comes knocking at your door.


22 November - 21 December

Being optimistic towards love.

In 2020, you were impatient to find love and as a result, you made an impulsive decision that you regretted. You let negativity consume you that you couldn't find the right person. In the new year, go with the flow, open your mind to endless new possibilities, and definitely trust that everything is falling into place the way it was meant to be.


22 December - 19 January

Being your authentic self.

In 2020, you were too focused on trying to be someone you were not. You let your ego get in the way and chose to portray how much better you were than reality. In the new year, you let your guard and facades down. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, reveal your secrets and share your problems and rest assured that your usual self will accept you for who you are.


20 January - 18 February

Opening up to new possibilities.

In 2020, you were cautious and restricted by an environment that no longer served you. You ignored the voice in your head that told you you were destined for greater things and got stuck in your comfort zone. In the New Year, broaden your horizon, take a new class and learn a new skill. Soon, you will find love in the most unexpected places.


19 February - 20 March

Seeking a deeper connection.

In 2020, you were stripped of impressive looks and fell in love with someone who looked better on paper than you really needed them to be. You were more in love with an idea than the person. In the New Year, promise yourself to look beyond the superficial surfaces and focus on what really matters.

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