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The influence of the planets on our destinies

According to Vedic astrology, the planets influence our lives. Find out how in this article....
02-07-2024 13:05

  1. The nine heavenly protagonists
  2. What's in Your Natal Chart?

Hello, my friends!

Today we are going to embark on a fascinating journey, and no, we are not going to surf through Netflix, but through the stars

Welcome to the world of Vedic astrology or Jyotish! Yes, it sounds exotic and a little magical, and you are absolutely right

Have you ever wondered why everything goes wrong on Mondays or why your boss seems to have more patience with certain colleagues? Well, perhaps the answer lies in the stars dancing above your head

First, let's get mystical! Did you know that Vedic astrology originated in ancient India? A system as old as grandma's recipe for turnovers, and as precise that it could put your favorite wristwatch to shame

The nine heavenly protagonists

Vedic astrology uses nine planets called Navagrahas, but they are not limited to just the ones from NASA!

Let me introduce you to our magical team:

- The Sun: Think of it as the "CEO of the Zodiac," its rays can either illuminate or burn down your professional reputation!

- The Moon: The celestial "Drama Queen," handling your emotions with the subtlety of a romantic tango.

- Mars: The zodiacal "Personal Trainer," boosting your energy as if it were a series of crunches.

- Mercury: The "Communication Genius," probably whispering in your ear every time you send a confusing email.

- Jupiter: The cosmic "Santa," gifting wealth and good luck like candies on Halloween.

- Venus: The cosmic "Cupid," painting your love life with the colors of a soap opera.

- Saturn: The discipline "Sensei," teaching you life lessons as if you were Daniel-san in Karate Kid.

- Rahu: The "Chaos Magician," specializing in unexpected twists, like that plot twist in your favorite series.

- Ketu: The "Spiritual Guru," fostering your inner growth as if you were a yogi.

What's in Your Natal Chart?

Each of these planets plants itself in various signs and houses of your natal chart, infusing their unique vibes into your life. For example, if the Sun is in your career house (1st house), forget about going unnoticed at work. You will be as remarkable as a unicorn in an office meeting.

The Dashas: Stages of Your Life Written in the Stars

These celestial bodies also have "seasons" of prominence in your life, known as Dashas. Suppose you are in the Dasha of Mars, get ready for a marathon of energy and action, as if your life were directed by Michael Bay.

Your natal chart may have certain "imperfections" called Doshas. These can be as annoying as a mosquito on a summer night. An example is the Manglik Dosha that can affect your love life. But don't worry, carrying an astrological remedy can be as easy and effective as using mosquito repellent.

Does all of this make sense to you? Do you feel like Mars has been testing your patience lately? Or that Venus has turned you into a poet?

As strange as it may seem, small adjustments and rituals can balance your energy. Ready to try? Here are some examples:

1. Meditate under the full Moon to balance your emotions.

2. Light a candle in the color that represents Jupiter (blue) when you are looking for a stroke of luck.

3. Give flowers on Friday to be bathed in Venus' nectar.

Vedic astrology is not just a tool to predict your future, it is a cosmic map that can help you navigate through life with grace and style.

Are you ready to become the captain of your own starship?

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