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Leo soul mate compatibility: Who is your life partner?

The complete guide to Leo compatibility with each of the zodiac signs....
14-07-2022 14:07

  1. Leo and Aries as soul mates: Similar Hopes
  2. Leo and Taurus as soul mates: A struggle for authority
  3. Leo and Gemini as soul mates: A brilliant combination
  4. Leo and Cancer as soul mates: A wild card
  5. Leo and Leo as soul mates: Two dictators in one ship
  6. Leo and Virgo as soul mates: A pragmatic coupling
  7. Leo and Libra as soul mates: A life of riches
  8. Leo and Scorpio as soul mates: A romantic ego meets an ambitious ego
  9. Leo and Sagittarius as soul mates: The two defiant ones
  10. Leo and Capricorn as soul mates: when two masterminds meet
  11. Leo and Aquarius as soul mates: An idealistic journey
  12. Leo and Pisces as soul mates: A matter of intuition

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You know you're dating a Leo when you notice their reactions when someone steps on their shoe, for example. That's where the drama is. Or when they have the perfect answer to a question. They won't hesitate to brag about it, exaggerate their abilities and brag some more, just to be sure.

You will never have a problem with a Leo when it comes to their inner thoughts and motivations. Most of their thoughts are external, because they will not hesitate to share everything with you, as they would with their most valued confidant.

They are so enchanted and focused on their sensations, on how they feel certain stimuli and how they are affected by them, that they soon settle into a state of addiction that will eventually make them forget everything else.

Leo and Aries as soul mates: Similar Hopes

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

It is an interesting connection, because at this level of passion, it is a rather deep and spiritual love that ends with a great deal of respect for each other.

These two natives will feel that it is impossible for them to find themselves in a situation that looks like it will end in catastrophe.

Sharing many common interests and values, as well as goals and principles, these two will always support each other, regardless of the circumstances or context in which they find themselves.

Neither is willing to admit defeat or back down in a dangerous situation. In fact, Leo and Aries are two individuals endowed with a dynamic personality, determination, ambition and a go-for-broke attitude.

This means that whenever an opportunity arises, they will seize it despite the risks and dangers involved.

They have similar movements and share the same taste for victory, never giving in to the proximity of death. With all these experiences they go through, it is obvious that they become very close as a result.

Just as they are interconnected by an instantaneous connection that keeps all their thoughts in complete and final consensus, these natives are able to coordinate their efforts in a way unique to them. As a result, their goals, usually things they both love, are achieved with much effort and time.

Leo and Taurus as soul mates: A struggle for authority

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

Leo and Taurus will form a great relationship, given their zodiacal similarities, and all they have to do to achieve perfection is to learn to be more open-minded and adapt more easily to a given situation. The rest is child's play for these gifted individuals.

The king of animals is a very proud and self-centred individual, so it is obvious that he will do everything in his power to remain the centre of attention for as long as possible, in the most conspicuous way.

And this is actually a relief for their partner, who hates the attention of the whole world. They prefer a more material appreciation, if you know what we mean, and this is also to the Leo lover's liking.

Now, don't think that these two are made for each other, and that there will be no problem in waiting for a relationship to begin that should last like an indestructible beacon of light.

Because that's not easy, no matter how you look at it. And of course, the Taurus can accept a secondary position and not take the limelight, but being told what to do, as if it were a baby, is still not something they can tolerate with a smile on their face. If the Lion learns to control this desire, all will be well.

Leo and Gemini as soul mates: A brilliant combination

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Another astonishing combination of two seemingly very different astrological signs, the Leo-Gemini relationship is a relationship steeped in the mental acuity and intellectual aptitudes of the Twin, as well as Leo's undying and searing sense of presence.

Both of them constantly seek each other and do not admit a moment's separation. Their love and their connection are that strong, and nothing in this world could hope to destroy them.

We all know that Leo's tend to seek attention and want to be the centre of attention, all the time if possible. This is no longer a conscious action, but a natural result, as the Gemini partner does not even try to snatch the golden sceptre from the firm hand of Leo.

They accept submission willingly and without any perceptible problem. If they had any, they would surely state it out loud, or at least express it in other, clear and obvious ways.

Since Leos are more attuned to their masculinity and inner strength, at least more so than the elastic and carefree Gemini, it turns out that their relationships are based solely on the former's ability to handle them with an iron fist.

The Twin prefers to be cared for and treated as a child, and the Leo does not really mind this mission of theirs. They also take it on willingly, and yet with great passion.

Leo and Cancer as soul mates: A wild card

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

Who would have thought it, a Leo and a Cancer teaming up to form a couple? Now that's a wild card. Despite all the differences and dissimilarities these two have, it's a pretty dangerous thing to put them together.

It is true that they are diametrically opposed, but that does not prevent them from constantly finding new things they have in common.

As the Leo partner takes the initiative, Cancer follows in his footsteps and amplifies his kingly aura.

Cancers, being very sensitive and emotional individuals, instinctively want to feel safe and protected from harm.

Well, Leo provides exactly that, fittingly for a native who bears the name of king of the animals.

In addition, both are rejuvenated by each other's capital influence, one being lively and resplendent, while the other is a supportive and appreciative partner.

However, there may be some problems that both will encounter along the way. The Cancer native must find a way to escape his emotional predispositions, which end up bringing him down, while the Leo has to keep his inner glow in check, because his partner will burn out easily.

Leo and Leo as soul mates: Two dictators in one ship

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

This is what we're talking about! This, right here, is the most splendid and amazing couple you will ever lay your eyes on. These two will fight fiercely against the world, if the world opposes them, while enjoying a nice glass of wine and holding hands.

The greatest desires a Leo can have, who could hope to satisfy them if not another Leo? That sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

The only way for this relationship to work, in the sense of not being destroyed by some unforeseen situation, is for both of them to realise their tendency to behave selfishly and arrogantly.

Moreover, it is obvious that Leo's innate trait of wanting to attract everyone's attention and live off it is also shared by the couple, so problems will arise, that's for sure.

On the other hand, if they loosen the dictator mode a little, and if they learn to deflate their egos sufficiently, everything will work splendidly and beautifully.

Shocking or not, it seems that Leo's can learn to love someone more than they love themselves, and this is exactly the case.

When one nurtures an affection and loyalty so strong that even the harshest winds of change cannot make them budge one bit, how could one then not decide to return all those deep feelings and emotions?

They also share a common ground in terms of their passions, which are very artistic, imaginative and creative.

Leo and Virgo as soul mates: A pragmatic coupling

Emotional connection ❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤

The combination between these two natives can give great results, basically on all levels, emotional, professional, social, self-development, etc.

Here's how it works: Leo comes with great ideas, the kind that, if applied patiently and correctly, could take someone to the heights of success.

Then the Virgo, with his high pragmatism and practical skill set, comes along and puts those ideas into practice. The result? Perfection, nothing more.

As usual, Leo's natural focus on seeking attention above all else is not to our Virgo native's liking, and this must be taken into account. If there is any chance of making this relationship work, the king of the jungle must either give up his throne, or learn to loosen up the arrogance and the spotlight detector.

Otherwise, Virgos love everything else about their partner, especially their high-tension, trusting attractiveness. In general, with similar ideas and plans, living together is much easier to achieve, and if they find some things in common, everything goes from a dream to a reality.

In turn, Leo natives are awed by the magnitude of Virgo's inner self. It is so beautiful, complex and simply impeccable, that they seem to be spellbound and immersed in an illusion.

This illusion keeps them totally focused on their partner, who will quickly notice, and being a loving and attentive person, will not let Leo's extreme loyalty slip away.

Leo and Libra as soul mates: A life of riches

Emotional connection ❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

The Leo-Libra couple are the individuals you will see spending their time living the life that everyone desires, filled with countless luxuries and objects of desire, with comfort and personal satisfaction being a great motivator for them.

Generally optimistic and with a bright outlook on the future, these natives share everything without letting the slightest thing slip through their fingers. The Leo wants to be cared for and indulged, while the Libra lover provides exactly that with a smile on their lips. Could things be any more perfect?

One thing that holds them together is their deeply caring and generous personalities, albeit with different motivations.

The king wants to demonstrate his great strength and status, while having plenty of time and effort to spare, and his balanced queen is guided by her unwavering principles of justice and morality.

The most admirable thing about all this is that they do not fight for control at all, at least not on the surface. Behind the curtains and in the shadows, a lot of things are sure to get done thanks to their invisible interference. But the Leos don't realise that, so it's OK.

And even if they realise that they have been led like blind sheep, they cannot get angry and usually get over it fairly quickly.

One of the reasons is the fact that they complement each other perfectly, even from this point of view.

The Libra is the initiator, the one who takes the starting position and goes halfway, while the Leo is there to support and continue to the end, where victory awaits.

They understand each other perfectly, and so their relationship will be realised on many levels, not just the intimate one.

Leo and Scorpio as soul mates: A romantic ego meets an ambitious ego

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

Leo and Scorpio are incredibly active and enthusiastic people who won't say no to a good challenge. With perseverance and a desire to defeat anything that stands in their way, these natives are nothing if not explosive and full of abundant drive.

Despite all the petty conflicts and arguments that arise from the few differences of opinion, they still find the strength to move on and ignore them.

Each is deeply attracted to the other, with the Leo feeling extremely good about their partner's romanticism and incredible capacity for love, while the Scorpio appreciates the Lion's real presence and absolute confidence.

There is also his great wit and warm spirit that touches the inner core of the desert ruler. In fact, they are both very loyal and affectionate to each other, and this creates a very good relationship.

These natives are quite self-centred and self-confident, and will not let anyone overstep their boundaries in an attempt to take control of the situation.

Naturally, if either of them tries to do so, there will be conflicts and battles to fight, and very long ones. However, as long as they find something on which to concentrate all that inner strength, the situation will steadily improve.

They are also quite contradictory in their personalities, as one is a Fire sign and the other a Water sign, but this is precisely what brings balance to their lives.

Leo and Sagittarius as soul mates: The two defiant ones

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Both Leo and Sagittarius are Fire signs, and this is basically their welcome letter. They don't need anything else to introduce themselves, because it perfectly describes their personality, their temperament and their approach to most things.

One word: presence. Of course, they're going to be attracted to each other, no doubt about it. So much charm, combined with their natural charms and incredible confidence, it's obvious that anyone would fall in love with them.

Both feel a philanthropic need, and they can't fully satisfy it until they have done at least one good thing a day. Whether it's helping a poor guy begging for spare change on the street, or feeding a stray dog, anything goes for them.

And they don't do it for the fame, but for their inner satisfaction and empathic drive. This makes them even more lovable and keeps them interested for longer.

Sagittarians are nothing if not wild, free and unbridled, and if there is anyone with the will, ability and strength to manage their wild nature, it is the king of animals, the Lion.

And, mind you, they don't tame them, but attract their attention enough so that they don't run away directly like the uninhibited, carefree individual they obviously are.

Leo and Capricorn as soul mates: when two masterminds meet

Emotional connection ❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Both are in love with the feeling of being in control, of feeling powerful and untouchable. However, they have a different focus and sense, which means that Leo likes to attract everyone's attention and bask in the glory of a thing splendidly done, while Capricorn likes power itself. It can be financial power, cultural and literary knowledge above the rest, etc.

Therefore, in order for the Leo to remain happy and satisfied with this desire of theirs, the Capricorn has to pull the strings from behind the scenes and act as the shadow mastermind.

If all goes well, the Lion will notice nothing, the Capricorn lover will feel satisfied in his or her own way, and the relationship will also take a step forward. Everyone is happy and everything is moving at a steady pace - what else is there?

Although they are different in many ways, Leo and Capricorn are nevertheless very satisfied and happy with themselves, and will not let anyone say otherwise.

With dreams as lofty and powerful as these natives', and combined with their determination, ambition and confidence, the differences that separate them are at best insignificant, if not inconsequential.

Leo and Aquarius as soul mates: An idealistic journey

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

They are endowed with a great imaginative and creative force, and although they have a different zodiacal upbringing, this does not prevent them from teaming up, uniting all their talents and setting out together on a journey to conquer the world.

They are both very self-confident, independent and strong-willed. Most importantly, they are willing to learn from each other, a quality that will surely serve them well in the future.

Both are intrigued and interested in each other's unique qualities and traits, which make them unique and singular in their own right.

While the Leo is a source of boundless energy, wild and unbridled, abundant and full of impetuosity, the Aquarius is the intellectual, the psychic of the relationship.

One of the ways in which they manifest themselves is through the high-level idealistic trips they take their partner on.

On the one hand, the Aquarius sees himself as an independent individual who separates himself from the world, living only according to his own rules and norms, disturbing the status-quo whenever he feels like it.

It doesn't really matter what others think of them. However, this attitude softens a little when they are in love, and they really need the Leo's approval and affection. That deep, abyssal, burning affection.

Leo and Pisces as soul mates: A matter of intuition

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

Leo and Pisces are two beings who get along well. Both energetic and full of boundless drive to overthrow the strongest opponents, these two exude the aura of sovereign beings who rule over all.

Moreover, as if this were not enough, they are also endowed with great creative potential and an artistic flair that would make even accomplished artists envious.

While aquatic natives find it incredibly nourishing and satisfying to bask in the glorious warmth of the lion master, Leo's own feel very uplifted and renewed by their partner's honesty, complexity of character and intuition.

Although both seem to show the same amount of affection and love, it is still true that the Lion needs to feel more in control, to act in a dominant way and to feel that the other listens to his commands.

Each reacts differently to external events, and when a failure occurs or they meet their fair rival, one goes crazy and keeps a straight face for two weeks at a time (the Leo), while the other, more sensitive and vulnerable, starts crying or isolates himself from the rest of the world (the Pisces lover).

However, if they manage to complement each other's negative aspects, there will be none of that, and everything will go as planned.

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Aquarius Aries Cancer Capricorn Gemini Leo Libra Pisces Sagittarius Scorpio Taurus Virgo


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Today's horoscope: Leo

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